Agenda item


6.1       Scrutiny Annual Work Programme 2011/12


A report setting out the annual programme for the Council’s Scrutiny Panels and Overview and Scrutiny Committee is attached for consideration. (Key decision – reference number 3366)

(Report No.74)

(8.20 – 8.25 pm)  


Councillor Doug Taylor (Leader of the Council) welcomed Councillor Alan Sitkin (Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee) to the meeting and invited him to present the following report to the Cabinet.


Councillor Alan Sitkin (Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee) introduced the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No.74) setting out the annual work programme for the Council’s Scrutiny Panels and Overview and Scrutiny Committee.




1.                        Councillor Sitkin felt that, although challenging, the scrutiny work programme could be completed within one year.


2.                        A feature of this year’s programme was an increase in cross panel working.


3.                        Overview and Scrutiny would have an opportunity to feed into the Cross Party Enquiry into the recent disturbances in Enfield which was due to be set up at the following week’s Council meeting.  This enquiry would report back directly to Council. 


4.                        A joint review had been set up involving both Scrutiny and the Enfield Strategic Partnership to continue the work of the Young People’s Life Opportunities Commission. 


Alternative Options Considered: No other options had been considered as the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was required, under the Council’s Constitution, to present an annual scrutiny work programme to Council for adoption.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to formally adopt the annual Scrutiny Work Programme 2011/12 having considered any comments from CMB and Cabinet.


Reason: To comply with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution.

(Key decision – reference number 3366)

Supporting documents: