Tim Leaver

Profile image for Tim Leaver

Title: Deputy Leader of the Council / Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement

Party: Labour Party

Wards: Highfield

Other councillors representing this Wards:

Additional Information

Cabinet Portfolio 2024/25

·  Deputise for the Leader

·  Financial Strategy

·  Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)

·  Capital Investment

·  Audit

·  Procurement & Commissioning

·  Commercial Strategy

·  Revenues & Benefits

·  ICT

·  Finance Hub

·  Council owned Companies & Joint Ventures

·  Corporate Landlord

·  Strategic Property Services

Surgery details

Community Room Palmers Green Library

This will be a joint surgery with Palmers Green, New Southgate, Bowes and Highfield Councillors run on rota basis.

Residents of the wards can attend on any Saturday between 10.30am to 12 noon and details of issues will be taken and passed to the appropriate ward Cllr for action.

If you wish to contact your councillor, please email Cllr.Tim.Leaver@Enfield.gov.uk

This is an indicative rota only and maybe subject to change due to individual circumstances.

If you wish to see your own ward councillor, please email or telephone them to make an appointment.

28th September:
Cllr Tim Leaver (Highfield Ward)
Cllr Josh Abey (New Southgate Ward)

5th October:
Cllr Doug Taylor (Palmers Green Ward)
Cllr Nelly Gyosheva (New Southgate Ward)

12th October:
Cllr Ahmet Oykener (Bowes Ward)
Cllr Chris James (Palmers Green Ward)

19th October:
Cllr Nelly Gyosheva (New Southgate Ward)
Cllr Tim Leaver (Highfield Ward)

26th October:
Cllr Doug Taylor (Palmers Green Ward)
Cllr Josh Abey (New Southgate Ward)

2nd November:
Cllr Chris James (Palmers Green Ward)
Cllr Josh Abey (New Southgate Ward)

9th November:
Cllr Nelly Gyosheva (New Southgate Ward)
Cllr Tim Leaver (Highfield Ward)

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
The Labour Group Office
Civic Centre
Silver Street

Bus. phone:  02083795452

Email:  Cllr.Tim.Leaver@Enfield.gov.uk

Download Tim Leaver contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 04/05/2018 - 05/05/2022
  • 06/05/2022 -

Appointments to outside bodies
