12.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Laban
“The officers who work in the group offices do an exceptional job supporting past and present councillors. Enfield Council wishes to thank officers in both groups for their tireless dedication to the borough and its residents over many years. Their work has been greatly appreciated by councillors and residents.”
12.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Laban
“Enfield Council is committed to delivering fairness and equality. However, it currently has one of the highest levels of nepotism in Local Government. This council agrees to deliver on its promise to tackling inequality by reducing the level of nepotism that exists within the organisation. This act will give a strong signal to the local community as well as Officers that we are truly committed to delivering fairness and equality.”
12.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou
“For all future international tournaments, the St. George’s Flag should have a prominent place within the chamber whilst the England team is still in the tournament.”
12.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Nesil Caliskan
“London Borough of Enfield has significant inequalities. Enfield Council serves a complex borough with extremes of poverty and affluence and one of the most diverse areas in England.
This Council is committed to delivering high quality public services to create a borough of opportunity for all residents with vibrant, inclusive and economically strong communities.
Outstanding and responsive council services provide residents with
an excellent quality of life. They are a catalyst to tackling deep
rooted inequalities to ensure every resident can achieve their full
potential. Public services also provide an essential safety net to
support the most vulnerable from the worst excesses of Tory-imposed
Outsourcing a local authority in its entirety is a long-held Tory
municipal fantasy, first articulated by Margaret Thatcher in the
late 1980s. Large Tory-run authorities in Cornwall, Suffolk and
Barnet embarked on their own high-profile versions of this
Thatcherite model, claiming that impoverishment gave them no choice
but to pursue large-scale privatisation.
Enfield Council rejects this failed Tory model of municipalism.
By 2019, local government funding will have been cut by 70% since
2010, and further cuts are planned. Local authorities are,
therefore, reviewing how they deliver services in the light of
severe budgetary pressure. There is evidence that many
councils are bringing a significant number and range of services
back in-house to gain maximum value from decreasing
Enfield Council believes that bringing services back in-house is
desirable. The benefits of insourcing or direct council
provision include:
• Improving efficiency and reducing
• Involving local people in the
design of services
• Delivering better satisfaction
levels and outcomes
• Enhanced public accountability and
• Delivering genuine social
• The ability to integrate a range
of services
• Reducing cost and time spent
managing contracts
• Greater staff motivation and
improved service quality
• Creating expertise and capacity in
the council
This Council will conduct a realistic analysis on a service-by-service basis to ... view the full agenda text for item 13
Additional documents:
The Mayor has agreed to accept the urgent motion set out below for the following reason.
The reason given as to why the motion had not been submitted earlier was because the motion had been about the incidents in Edmonton over the weekend, where some shooting and multiple stabbings had occurred. Councillors have had many enquiries about the issue, and it was therefore felt that it was too important to wait until the next meeting.
Motion in the name of Cllr Terry Neville
Councillor Neville moved, and Councillor Laban seconded the following motion:
“Following the shooting on Saturday 17 November of three men in Gordon Road and the soaring level of serious crime in Enfield and across the capital, the Council expresses its dismay at the continuing lack of action on the part of the Mayor of London and the Metropolitan Police Commissioner to re-prioritise the use of police resources to tackle this most serious problem. This has led to abysmally low detection and clear up rates. Against this background the council is also concerned at the cost of policing the increasing number of marches in central London (to which officers from all over London are drafted in to the centre), and urges the Mayor to seek to re -charge a fixed percentage of the policing cost to the march organizers, which would assist in funding additional officers for front line policing.
The council also condemns the Labour administration for not taking the issue more seriously and calls upon the cabinet member for community safety to bring forward proposals for tackling the root causes of gang related violence.
It further calls on the council to either instruct the Crime Scrutiny Panel to inquire into the problem, taking evidence from all interested parties, and to make recommendations to the council within six months, or to follow the successful precedent of the Conservative administration in2004/5 and set up a Special Commission to undertake such Inquiry.
Finally, it instructs the Director of Law and Governance to write to the Sentencing Council asking them to remind sentencers of both their power to depart from Sentencing Guidelines where, as now in respect of soaring levels of violent crime and burglary, deterrent sentences are required and to remind them that such sentences are exility provided for in section 142(1)(b), Criminal Justice Act 2003.”
During the debate, Councillor Ergin Erbil moved and Councillor Hasan seconded a procedural motion seconded the procedural motion 14.11 (a) (ii) that the question now be put. This was not allowed by the Mayor, as she felt that sufficient debate had not taken place.
After further debate, Councillor Ergin Erbil moved and Caliskan seconded another procedural motion 14.11 (a) (ii) that the question now be put. This was not allowed by the Mayor as she felt that sufficient debate had not taken place.”
Following further debate, the motion was put to the vote and not agreed with the following result:
For: 13
Against: 36
Abstentions: 0
The Mayor agreed to accept the ... view the full minutes text for item 13
13.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Laban
“This Chamber agrees that the new Administration has fallen at the first hurdle by the announcement that the Annual Town Show will not be held.
This Council has no confidence in the leader of the council because if the administration cannot facilitate a long-standing event such as the Annual Town Show it is not competent enough to deal with the complex challenges our borough faces over the next four years.”
13.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Alessandro Georgiou
“For all future international tournaments, the St. George’s Flag should have a prominent place within the chamber whilst the England team is still in the tournament.”
13.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Barry
“The results of the recent election in Winchmore Hill once more showed that our residents support the Cycle Enfield scheme. Opposition candidates made this an election issue and their share of the vote decreased by 8.5%.
We ask that the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet members for Community Safety & Public Health, the Environment and Economic Regeneration & Business do all they can to ensure that the other parts of this scheme are built at soon as possible so that other parts of the borough can also benefit from the advantages it brings.”
13.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Laban
The officers who work in the group offices do an exceptional job supporting past and present councillors. Enfield Council wishes to thank officers in both groups for their tireless dedication to the borough and its residents over many years. Their work has been greatly appreciated by councillors and residents.
13.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Laban
Enfield Council is committed to delivering fairness and equality. However, it currently has one of the highest levels of nepotism in Local Government. This council agrees to deliver on its promise to tackling inequality by reducing the level of nepotism that exists within the organisation. This act will give a strong signal to the local community as well as Officers that we are truly committed to delivering fairness and equality.
13.6 Motion in the name of Councillor Maguire
“The LGA has estimated that councils face a funding gap of £7.8 billion by 2025 – just to maintain current service levels. By 2020, the Government will have cut a staggering £16 billion from core funding since 2010. Here in Enfield, the Government has cut £161 million from our funding since 2010 with yet more to come.
These massive cuts threaten Enfield Council’s ability to deliver the services that the people of Enfield, whether residents or running businesses, expect and deserve.
This Council believes that this punitive action by this Government against local authorities shows a callous disregard for the young, sick, elderly and vulnerable who rely on council services to have a decent quality of life.
This Council supports the LGA campaign – Moving the Conversation On – to build the case for long-term, sustained investment in local government as the way ... view the full agenda text for item 10
Motion 13.6
Councillor Maguire moved and Councillor Chibah seconded the following motion:
“The LGA has estimated that councils face a funding gap of £7.8 billion by 2025 – just to maintain current service levels. By 2020, the Government will have cut a staggering £16 billion from core funding since 2010. Here in Enfield, the Government has cut £161 million from our funding since 2010 with yet more to come.
These massive cuts threaten Enfield Council’s ability to deliver the services that the people of Enfield, whether residents or running businesses, expect and deserve.
This Council believes that this punitive action by this Government against local authorities shows a callous disregard for the young, sick, elderly and vulnerable who rely on council services to have a decent quality of life.
This Council supports the LGA campaign – Moving the Conversation On – to build the case for long-term, sustained investment in local government as the way forward to restore Enfield and other councils to a strong and stable financial footing.”
Councillor Hayward moved and Councillor Laban seconded the following amendment:
To remove the words crossed through below:
“The LGA has estimated that councils face a funding
gap of £7.8 billion by 2025 – just to maintain
current service levels. By 2020, the Government will have cut
a staggering £16 billion from core funding since 2010.
Here in Enfield, the Government has cut £161 million from our
funding since 2010 with yet more to come.
These massive
cuts threaten Enfield Council’s ability to deliver the
services that the people of Enfield, whether residents or running
businesses, expect and deserve.
This Council
believes that this punitive action by this Government against local
authorities shows a callous disregard for the young, sick, elderly
and vulnerable who rely on council services to have a decent
quality of life.
This Council supports the LGA campaign – Moving the Conversation On – to build the case for long-term, sustained investment in local government as the way forward to restore Enfield and other councils to a strong and stable financial footing.”
Following the debate on the motion and the amendment, the amendment was put to the vote and not agreed with the following result:
For: 14
Against: 37
Abstentions: 0
The substantive motion was then put to the vote and agreed with the following result:
For: 37
Against: 15
Abstentions: 0
Motion 13.7
Councillor Susan Erbil moved and Councillor Yusuf seconded the following motion:
“As schools prepare to return after the summer, Enfield Council continues to be concerned about the immense pressure on our schools as a result of the Conservative government’s policies and austerity agenda.
The latest analysis by the Institute for Fiscal studies has shown that schools in England have been cut in real terms by 8% per pupil since 2010. Rising pupil numbers - and cuts to local authorities and sixth form funding - have seen a real-term reduction in school spending.
England's schools are also facing a ‘severe shortage’ of teachers. According to the ... view the full minutes text for item 10
9.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Mike Rye
“Enfield Council needs to take urgent action to support Enfield Town as a major shopping centre in the borough and will: undertake enforcement action on vacant shops with untidy frontages; seek funding to provide hanging baskets and Christmas lights; review the lengthy timelines for action set out in the Enfield Town Centre Draft Framework Master Plan to deliver positive outcomes sooner rather than later.”
9.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban
“The draft London Plan has major implications for Enfield, its policy that requires Enfield to provide more Strategic Industrial Land capacity seriously impacts the Meridian Water Project. This policy restricts the area that homes can be built on at the Meridian Water site. Enfield Council agrees to write a letter to both the Mayor of London and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government setting out the adverse effects the draft London Plan has on the delivery of desperately needed homes at Meridian Water.”
9.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban
“The Mayor of London is proposing to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North and South Circulars. These proposals whilst well intentioned are not the solution that Enfield requires to improve air quality. Enfield Council agrees to seek alternative measures to improve air quality and that the leaders of both political groups write jointly to the Mayor to express our concerns regarding what is proposed for our borough.”
9.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Nick Dines
“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed every year. After bowel and lung cancer it is the third most common cause of cancer death, with one man dying in the UK every 45 minutes. As recent publicity has shown, men are remarkably unaware of this and unwilling to talk about the issue. The Council therefore commits as one its health awareness campaigns in 2018-19 to raise the awareness amongst men of prostate cancer, the symptoms to look out for and how and where to go for screening.”
9.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan
“Enfield Council notes the collapse of Carillion and the limited actions taken to date by the Government. This Council is concerned about the impact on schools as Enfield has some schools with Carillion as a provider.
Enfield is concerned of the Governments lack of any real dialogue with local authorities and feels that it would have thought it prudent in the current climate for the Council to be advised on how the Government intends to deal with the collapse of Carillion and the solution it has to honour the public sector contracts.
Further, Enfield will be seeking immediate and urgent clarification from Government and the appointed receiver (PWC) on how it has acted to date; the interim arrangement they have in place; assurance that they will do all they can to ensure a timely transition from the existing ... view the full agenda text for item 10
Motion 9.13
Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Lappage seconded the following motion.
“The Council notes that no progress has been made with regard to the Government making fair transitional state pension arrangements for all women born on or after 6 April 1951.
The Council will consider the best approach to assist Enfield residents affected by this issue.”
Councillor Lappage in seconding Councillor Taylor’s motion, moved the procedural motion under 14.11 (a) iii of the Council procedure rules that the debate on the motion be adjourned to the first meeting following Annual Council on 23 May 2018.
The adjournment motion was seconded by Councillor Stewart and then put to the vote and agreed with the following result:
For: 29
Against: 0
Abstentions: 16
Motion 9.7
Councillor Barry proposed and Councillor Abdullahi seconded the following motion:
“The way that Universal Credit is being implemented is causing unnecessary suffering to women in Enfield.
We ask that the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions as a matter of urgency, urging her to take all necessary steps to change the method of payment so that women are treated fairly.”
Following the debate the motion was agreed unanimously.
Motion 9.5
Councillor Orhan moved and Councillor Stewart seconded the following motion:
“Enfield Council notes the collapse of Carillion and the limited actions taken to date by the Government. This Council is concerned about the impact on schools as Enfield has some schools with Carillion as a provider.
Enfield is concerned of the Governments lack of any real dialogue with local authorities and feels that it would have thought it prudent in the current climate for the Council to be advised on how the Government intends to deal with the collapse of Carillion and the solution it has to honour the public sector contracts.
Further, Enfield will be seeking immediate and urgent clarification from Government and the appointed receiver (PWC) on how it has acted to date; the interim arrangement they have in place; assurance that they will do all they can to ensure a timely transition from the existing providers to new ones; and for a continuation and smooth delivery of all operational services, with a guaranteed assurance that PWC will work collaboratively to ensure no disruption of service to staff and services to Enfield Schools.”
Following the debate the motion was agreed unanimously.
During the debate Councillor Bambos Charalambous took his seat in the chamber for his last Council meeting. He made a short speech saying that it had been an honour and a privilege to service the people of Enfield for the last 24 years as councillor and now as an MP for Southgate. He wished everyone the best of luck for the future and hoped for a Labour victory in the upcoming local elections.
Motion 9.6
Councillor Sitkin moved and Councillor Brett seconded the following motion:
"Enfield Council is grateful to its thousands of resident EU nationals for the tremendous ... view the full minutes text for item 10
Motion 10.1 in the name of Councillor Rye
“Enfield Council needs to take urgent action to support Enfield Town as a major shopping centre in the borough and will: undertake enforcement action on vacant shops with untidy frontages; seek funding to provide hanging baskets and Christmas lights; review the lengthy timelines for action set out in the Enfield Town Centre Draft Framework Master Plan to deliver positive outcomes sooner rather than later.”
Motion 10.2 in the name of Councillor Achilleas Georgiou
“This Council welcomes the saving of £2.5m to the Council budget by the purchase of properties through Housing Gateway since it was established in 2014.
Given this is a net contribution, it is hard to see how any councillor could consider it anything other than good economics.”
Motion 10.3 in the name of Councillor Taylor
“Council notes the decision to issue a Section 114 notice banning Northamptonshire from engaging any new expenditure. Council notes all Councils, including Enfield, are suffering from persistent cuts in funding and instructs the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition to put in writing to the Prime Minister, in the strongest terms, our view that there should be no more cuts.”
Motion 10.4 in the name of Councillor Nesimi Erbil
“On Saturday, 20th January, Turkish war planes launched air strikes on Afrin, one of the three Kurdish cantons in Northern Syria; compromising of 20% Armenians, 30% Arabics, 25% Kurdish and 25% Alevis and Turkmens. In the London borough of Enfield large numbers of residents are concerned about the ongoing problems in Afrin.
This was followed by ground attacks over the last few weeks with civilian casualties.
This act of unprovoked warfare by the Turkish state threatens to destabilise one of the calmest regions throughout the whole Syrian civil war. Afrin has been a crucial safe haven for people fleeing ISIS in the region, and it must stay that way!
It will have devastating consequences for not just the Kurdish people who will pay with their lives but also the people of Turkey and of the broader region.
As a member of this Council, I am calling the Council to:
· Raise this issue as a priority with the UK Government,
· Call for an end to all UK arms sales to Turkey,
· Publicly condemn Turkey’s aggression on the Afrin region, and
· Take any other necessary action to end the bloodshed in Afrin.
We urgently need the Council to support this motion because it’s a humanitarian crisis in Afrin.”
Motion 10.5 in the name of Councillor Dines
“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed every year. After bowel and lung cancer it is the third most common cause of cancer death, with one man dying in the UK every 45 minutes. As recent publicity has shown, men are remarkably unaware of this and unwilling to talk about the issue. The Council therefore commits as one its health awareness campaigns in 2018-19 to raise ... view the full agenda text for item 11
Motion 10.3
Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Maguire seconded the following motion:
“Council notes the decision to issue a Section 114 notice banning Northamptonshire from engaging any new expenditure. Council notes all Councils, including Enfield, are suffering from persistent cuts in funding and instructs the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition to put in writing to the Prime Minister, in the strongest terms, our view that there should be no more cuts.”
Councillor Laban moved an amendment seconded by Councillor Hurer to change the final part of the last sentence of the motion to read: “that there should be fairer funding for the London Borough of Enfield” removing the words “that there should be no more cuts”.
Following a debate on the motion and the amendment the amendment was put to the vote and not agreed with the following result:
For: 16
Against: 26
Abstentions: 0
The substantive motion was then put to the vote and agreed with the following result:
For: 26
Against: 16
Abstentions: 0
Motion 10.6
Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Levy seconded the following motion:
“Council notes the importance of the NHS to Enfield residents and its requirement for adequate funding in this the 70th year of its foundation.”
Following the debate, the motion was agreed unanimously.
Duration of the time allowed for motions.
The Mayor advised, at this stage of the meeting, that the time available for motions had now elapsed so Council Procedure Rule 9 would apply.
Motions 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 10.5, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10 lapsed under the guillotine.
10.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Laban
“The Mayor of London is currently conducting the second round of consultation on his proposals to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North and South Circulars. These proposals whilst well intentioned are not the solution that Enfield requires to improve air quality. Enfield Council agrees to seek alternative measures to improve air quality and that the leaders of both political groups write jointly to the Mayor as part of the response to the consultation to express our concerns regarding what is proposed for our borough.”
10.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Taylor
“Enfield Council notes the collapse of Carillion and actions taken to date by the Government. A particular concern is the impact on schools as Enfield has some schools with Carillion as a provider.
Enfield will be seeking clarification from Government and the appointed receiver (PWC) on how it will act and what the Government support is planned for public sector contracts. We are committed to press for urgent commitment from the Government for additional funding to be released into the system for which the Council to support those schools affected by this terrible situation which unfolded through no fault of their own.”
10.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Lappage
“This Council agrees to encourage women of all cultures to exercise the right to vote, to register to vote as soon as possible and to come out and vote this May. This hard won right, whose centenary we celebrate this year, is one which women are encouraged to act on throughout their lives.”
10.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Achilleas Georgiou
“This Council welcomes the saving of £2.5m to the Council budget by the purchase of properties through Housing Gateway since it was established in 2014.
Given this is a net contribution, it is hard to see how any councillor could consider it anything other than good economics.”
10.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Sitkin
“Currently the Council has a policy on protecting community facilities in planning but this does not afford public houses the protection we would like to achieve.
We are entering a Local Plan process which should be completed by 2019, in tandem with the London Plan.
Council believes that including specific public house protection in the plan would be an objective Enfield should bring forward.
In advance of this, Council recognises that public houses are valued facilities for a vibrant community.”
10.6 Motion in the name of Councillor Rye
“Enfield Council needs to take urgent action to support Enfield Town as a major shopping centre in the borough and will: undertake enforcement action on vacant shops with untidy frontages; seek funding to provide hanging baskets and Christmas lights; review the lengthy timelines for action set out in the Enfield Town Centre Draft Framework Master Plan to deliver positive outcomes sooner rather than later.”
10.7 Motion in the name of Councillor Laban
“Enfield Council is proud to follow the great British values of ... view the full agenda text for item 11
Motion 10.6
Councillor Laban moved and Councillor Alessandro Georgiou seconded the following motion:
“Enfield Council is proud to follow the great British values of tolerance and respect. This month we will be commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day and as a sign of our commitment to those British values this chamber condemns any anti-Semitism.”
Following the debate the motion was put to the vote and agreed unanimously.
Motion 13.10 (22 November 2018)
At the last Council meeting the following motion was moved by Councillor Neville and seconded by Councillor Alessandro Georgiou. During the debate, as the time allocated for this section of the meeting had run out, Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Stewart seconded a proposal to adjourn the debate, under paragraph 14.11 (a) (iv) of the Council procedure rules. It was agreed that the debate would be continued at this meeting.
“Following the recent sentencing of cyclist Charlie Alliston who was convicted of “wanton and furious driving” following the death of Mrs Kim Briggs in Old Street in London, and the more recent conviction of a second cyclist of “causing injury by wilful misconduct”, both ancient offences used by prosecutors to deal with these cases because of a lack of modern cycling law, the Council calls on the government to thoroughly review the laws relating to cycling to bring them into line with those applicable to motorists, so that the public are properly protected against both the irresponsible and dangerous acts of a minority of cyclists, and from accidental damage injury when it occurs. Council instructs the Director of Law and Governance to forward this motion to the Secretary of State for Transport.”
Councillor Anderson moved an amendment to the motion, seconded by Councillor Stewart to change the motion to read:
"Following the recent sentencing of cyclist Charlie Allison who was convicted of "wanton and furious driving" following the death of Mrs Kim Briggs in Old Street in London, and the more recent conviction of a second cyclist of "causing injury by wilful misconduct", both ancient offences used by prosecutors to deal with these cases because of a lack of modern cycling law. This Council therefore calls on the Government to thoroughly review the law so that pedestrians are properly protected against all irresponsible and dangerous road users and from accidental injury when it occurs. Council instructs the Director of Law and Governance to forward this motion to the Secretary of State for Transport."
Following the debate the amendment to the motion was put to the vote and agreed with the following result:
For: 31
Against: 14
Abstentions: 0
The amended motion was then put to the vote and agreed unanimously.
Change in the order of Business
Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor Ekechi seconded a proposal under paragraph 2.2(B) of the Council procedure rules to change the order of items on the agenda to take the following motions in the following order as the next items of business. This was agreed without a vote.
Motions 10.3, 10.9, 10.4.
The minutes ... view the full minutes text for item 11
13.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan
“Having been hugely disappointed with Government’s failure to listen to our call for a fairer funding for Enfield Schools, Enfield Council looks forward to seeing increased funding for schools in the next budget.”
13.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Achilleas Georgiou
“This Council welcomes the saving of £2.5m to the Council’s budget by the purchase of properties through Housing Gateway since it was established in 2014.
Given this is a net contribution, it is hard to see how any Councillor could consider it anything other than good economics.”
13.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Doug Taylor
“Enfield Council notes the letters received by the Leader of the Council from the Minister and from officials about Universal Credit. (Letters Attached)
We note the comments made but reiterate our significant concerns about the risk to vulnerable people arising from this policy and instruct the Leader of the Council to reply to the Minister reflecting the Council’s view.”
13.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Ahmet Oykener
“Following the tragedy at Grenfell Tower Enfield Council took the decision to retro fit sprinklers in all our tower blocks. This will improve safety for our residents.
The cost of the work will be at least £8 million, and should be funded by the Government as they indicated that they would. Not to do so would be a betrayal of our tenants and leaseholders.
13.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Doug Taylor
“Enfield Council notes the Government’s budget and its impact on Enfield.”
13.6 Motion in the name of Councillor Vicki Pite
“The Mayor of London launched The London Borough of Culture competition at the start of September 2017. The process of submitting an application will bring together Enfield's Cultural organisations and build on the good work done through Enfield Festivals and Events. There is so much to celebrate about Culture in Enfield including Europe’s most inclusive theatre at Chickenshed, accessibility and participation at Millfield, rich heritage and award winning organic farming at Forty Hall and community led Festivals and Events in parks across the borough. Along with our Museums, Theatres, Community Cinema, Community Arts Organisations, Jazz and Blues Clubs, Choirs, Orchestras and Enfield Music Service we have what it takes to make us London's Borough of Culture. This Council unanimously supports the bid.”
13.7 Motion in the name of Councillor Edward Smith
“The Conservative Opposition is deeply dismayed that Barratts, the Council’s principal development partner, has recently withdrawn from the Meridian Water Scheme. This could have enormous financial repercussions for the Council and will seriously delay the provision of desperately needed affordable housing in the borough.
The Council agrees to set out its proposals for enhancing its project management capability of large schemes, its plans to overcome the major financial and other outstanding risks at Meridian Water, and a revised timetable for the delivery of new housing and employment at Meridian Water.”
13.8 Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban ... view the full agenda text for item 14
Additional documents:
Motion 13.6
Councillor Pite moved and Councillor Sitkin seconded the following motion:
“The Mayor of London launched The London Borough of Culture competition at the start of September 2017. The process of submitting an application will bring together Enfield's Cultural organisations and build on the good work done through Enfield Festivals and Events. There is so much to celebrate about Culture in Enfield including Europe’s most inclusive theatre at Chickenshed, accessibility and participation at Millfield, rich heritage and award winning organic farming at Forty Hall and community led Festivals and Events in parks across the borough. Along with our Museums, Theatres, Community Cinema, Community Arts Organisations, Jazz and Blues Clubs, Choirs, Orchestras and Enfield Music Service we have what it takes to make us London's Borough of Culture. This Council unanimously supports the bid.”
Following the debate, the motion was agreed, after a roll call vote with the following result:
For: 33
Councillor Abdullahi
Councillor Anderson
Councillor Bakir
Councillor Barry
Councillor A Cazimoglu
Councillor N Cazimoglu
Councillor Chibah
Councillor Dogan
Councillor Doyle
Councillor During
Councillor Ekechi
Councillor E Erbil
Councillor N Erbil
Councillor Fonyonga
Councillor Achilleas Georgiou
Councillor Hasan
Councillor Hurman
Councillor Jemal
Councillor Jiagge
Councillor Keazor
Councillor Lappage
Councillor Lemonides
Councillor Maguire
Councillor Orhan
Councillor Pite
Councillor Savva
Councillor Simon
Councillor Sitkin
Councillor Stewart
Councillor Steven
Councillor Taylor
Councillor Ulus
Against: 0
Abstentions: 15
Councillor Celebi
Councillor Chamberlain
Councillor David Sanders
Councillor Delman
Councillor Fallart
Councillor Alessandro Georgiou
Councillor E Hayward
Councillor R Hayward
Councillor Hurer
Councillor Laban
Councillor Milne
Councillor D Pearce
Councillor Rye
Councillor Steven
Councillor Vince
Motion 13.4
Councillor Oykener moved and Councillor Taylor seconded the following motion:
“Following the tragedy at Grenfell Tower Enfield Council took the decision to retro fit sprinklers in all our tower blocks. This will improve safety for our residents.
The cost of the work will be at least £8 million, and should be funded by the Government as they indicated that they would. Not to do so would be a betrayal of our tenants and leaseholders.”
During the debate, Councillor Vince moved and Councillor Rye seconded a proposal under paragraph 14.11 (a) (i) of the Council Constitution that the motion now be put. This was not agreed, following a vote with the following result:
For: 13
Against: 31
Abstentions: 0
After further debate the motion was agreed without a vote.
Motion 13.1
Councillor Orhan moved and Councillor Pite seconded the following motion:
“Having been hugely disappointed with Government’s failure to listen to our call for a fairer funding for Enfield Schools, Enfield Council looks forward to seeing increased funding for schools in the next budget.”
Following a debate the motion was agreed after a vote with the following result:
For: 33
Against: 14
Abstentions: 0
Change in the order of Business
Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor Ekechi seconded a proposal under paragraph 2.2(B) of the Council procedure rules to change the order of items on the agenda to take Motion 13.10 as the next item of business. ... view the full minutes text for item 14
10.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban
“Enfield Council believes that air quality is an important issue in our borough. However the Mayor of London’s proposal to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North Circular is not the solution that Enfield requires. Enfield Council agrees to seek alternative measures that will make a real difference to Enfield residents.”
10.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Ertan Hurer
“The tragic events of the Grenfell Tower fire has highlighted the important issue of Council’s not being fully aware of who is living in these tower blocks. This has meant that the true number of the people living there before the fire may never be known. Enfield Council in response resolves to carry out an inspection of both residential and commercial properties to ensure that the terms of the tenancies are complied with so that we can be assured that in future the consequences of any fire or other disaster in council owned property can be dealt with as effectively and quickly as possible.”
10.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Vicki Pite
“The Mayor of London launched The London Borough of Culture competition at the start of this month. The process of submitting an application will bring together Enfield's Cultural organisations and build on the good work done through Enfield Festivals and Events. There is so much to celebrate about Culture in Enfield including Europe’s most inclusive theatre at Chickenshed, accessibility and participation at Millfield, rich heritage and award winning organic farming at Forty Hall and community led Festivals and Events in parks across the borough. Along with our Museums, Theatres, Community Cinema, Community Arts Organisations, Jazz and Blues Clubs, Choirs, Orchestras and Enfield Music Service we have what it takes to make us London's Borough of Culture. This Council unanimously supports the bid.”
10.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Alev Cazimoglu
“Social Care is in crisis, and it is decisions made in Downing Street that have brought us to this point. The Prime Minister, Theresa May, must stop turning a blind eye to the problems in social care and address the funding crisis urgently. Cuts to NHS services are compounding the problem.
Since 2010 local authorities social care budgets have been cut by £4.6 billion. In Enfield we have seen our council budget cut by 40%.
Labour has warned time and again of the growing crisis in social Care. The competing pressures of an ageing population and chronic underfunding cannot go on.
This Council should write to Theresa May demanding that she must act now to make sure that councils like Enfield have the money to provide quality social care for all who need it.”
10.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan
“We on this side are very proud, that despite the huge cuts from central government we, in Enfield, have been able to keep all 17 libraries within the Borough of Enfield open, whilst other London Authorities have had to cut their Library ... view the full agenda text for item 13
10.6 Motion in the name of Councillor Yasemin Brett
Councillor Brett proposed and Councillor Oykener seconded the following motion:
“Enfield Council requests the Department for Work and
Pensions and the Conservative government to reconsider rolling out
Universal Credit in Enfield from November 2017.
The start of the rollout in November means that families claiming
Universal Credit for the first time will be left without benefit
payments in the run up to Christmas.
Those switching over to Universal Credit from other existing benefits, will also risk a significant disruption to benefit income at a challenging time of year for low income households.
The DWP and government must be aware that many statutory and voluntary services are closed or operating at a reduced level over the Christmas period and assistance for local families who are in practical and financial difficulty will be exacerbated.
We call on the Leader to write to the Secretary of State to express the opinion of the Council.”
Following the debate the motion was agreed unanimously.
10.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Alev Cazimoglu
Councillor Alev Cazimoglu moved and Councillor Taylor seconded the following motion:
“Social Care is in crisis, and it is decisions made in Downing Street that have brought us to this point. The Prime Minister, Theresa May, must stop turning a blind eye to the problems in social care and address the funding crisis urgently. Cuts to NHS services are compounding the problem.
Since 2010 local authorities social care budgets have been cut by £4.6 billion. In Enfield we have seen our council budget cut by 40%.
Labour has warned time and again of the growing crisis in social Care. The competing pressures of an ageing population and chronic underfunding cannot go on.
This Council should write to Theresa May demanding that she must act now to make sure that councils like Enfield have the money to provide quality social care for all who need it.”
Following the debate the motion was put to the vote and agreed with the following result.
For: 32
Against: 0
Abstentions: 19
Councillor Oykener declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in this motion. He left the meeting while it was being debated and did not vote on it.
Duration of the time allowed for motions.
The Mayor advised, at this stage of the meeting, that the time available for motions had now elapsed so Council Procedure Rule 9 would apply.
Motions 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9 lapsed under the guillotine arrangements.
13.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban
“Enfield Council believes that air quality is an important issue in our borough. However the Mayor of London’s proposal to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North Circular is not the solution that Enfield requires. Enfield Council agrees to seek alternative measures that will make a real difference to Enfield residents.”
13.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Doug Taylor
“Council notes the terrible fire at Grenfell Tower and believes that lessons must be learnt for the future by Government and all landlords.
1) The public inquiry must have broad term of reference and be supported by the victims and their families of the fire.
2) Government should use the recommendations of the inquiry to improve regulation of buildings and building works.
3) Government should provide full funding to Councils and registered social landlords to implement fully the recommendations of the inquiry.
4) Private sector landlords and other providers off accommodation should equally be required to implement any findings of the inquiry relevant to their sector.”
13.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Krystle Fonyonga
“This Council believes that the Government should lift the public sector pay cap and to fully finance the increase in salaries. The Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition are asked to write to the Prime Minister informing her of this Council’s position.”
13.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan
“Now that Theresa May faces a revolt over her education policy by her own MP’s perhaps she will finally listen. So far she has failed to listen to professionals in the education sector and to Enfield parents who have called for ‘Fairer Funding’ for all schools. This Council asks Cllr Orhan to continue her campaign in highlighting to our residents of the financial risks to struggling schools in Enfield of the Governments policy and to write once again to the Minster responsible for schools and demand extra money for all schools in Enfield.”
13.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Yasemin Brett
The NHS was founded on July 5th 1948 and in this founding month is a reminder to us of what the best of British really means - free publicly funded health care for all its citizens at the point of need.
The health economy needs to be adequately funded and Enfield suffers from a low funding level.
As we approach the 70th year of its founding, in both financial and recruitment terms the NHS faces major challenges. Services must remain public not profit driven. Integration between social care and health needs to work for the user. A new focus on mental health is required and must be funded at parity with the other health services.
The NHS is a uniting institution for all of us culturally and across the generations deserving our full attention this year.
13.6 Motion in the name of Councillor Vicki Pite
“The Mayor of London launched The London Borough of Culture competition at the ... view the full agenda text for item 14
13.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Doug Taylor
Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Chibah seconded the following motion:
“Council notes the terrible fire at Grenfell Tower and believes that lessons must be learnt for the future by Government and all landlords.
1. The public inquiry must have broad term of reference and be supported by the victims and their families of the fire.
2. Government should use the recommendations of the inquiry to improve regulation of buildings and building works.
3. Government should provide full funding to Councils and registered social landlords to implement fully the recommendations of the inquiry.
4. Private sector landlords and other providers off accommodation should equally be required to implement any findings of the inquiry relevant to their sector.”
Following the debate the motion was agreed unanimously.
13.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Krystle Fonyonga
Councillor Fonyonga moved and Councillor Achilleas Georgiou seconded the following motion:
“This Council believes that the Government should lift the public sector pay cap and to fully finance the increase in salaries. The Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition are asked to write to the Prime Minister informing her of this Council’s position.”
Following the debate the motion was put to the vote and agreed with the following result:
For: 30
Against: 18
Abstentions: 0
13.9 Motion in the name of Councillor Alan Sitkin
Councillor Sitkin moved and Councillor Ekechi seconded the following motion:
“This Council had been deeply opposed to the DWP’s (Department for Work and Pensions) previous plans to shut the Edmonton Fore Street Job Centre Plus (JCP) and is delighted that our efforts lobbying Government and JCP – and inducing other local authorities to do the same – has had the effect of getting the DWP to reverse this ill-conceived decision. To ensure JCP permanent presence in Enfield’s most deprived neighbourhoods, the Council authorises the leaders of the majority and minority group to write a joint letter of the Secretary of State asking that any future decisions regarding the allocation of JCP assets in Enfield should be in discussion with and agreement by the Council.”
Following the debate the motion was agreed unanimously.
13.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan
Councillor Orhan moved and Councillor Pite seconded the following motion:
“Now that Theresa May faces a revolt over her education policy by her own MP’s perhaps she will finally listen. So far she has failed to listen to professionals in the education sector and to Enfield parents who have called for ‘Fairer Funding’ for all schools. This Council asks Cllr Orhan to continue her campaign in highlighting to our residents of the financial risks to struggling schools in Enfield of the Governments policy and to write once again to the minster responsible for schools and demand extra money for all schools in Enfield.”
Following the debate the motion was put to the vote and agreed with the following result.
For: 28
Against: 16
Abstentions: 0
Motions 13.1, ... view the full minutes text for item 14