Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/04/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 537)

537 19/03624/VAR - ALMA ESTATE, EN3 pdf icon PDF 10 MB

RECOMMENDATION:  That subject to referral of the application to the Greater London Authority and the completion of a Deed of Variation to the Section 106 Agreement, the Head of Development Management / Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to conditions

WARD:  Ponders End





1.    The introduction by Sharon Davidson, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    There are two applications on the agenda relating to the Alma redevelopment.

The first is an application to amend the parameters of the existing outline planning permission – the S73 application.

The second is the reserved matters application for Phases 2A and 4. This application deals with the details of the buildings – design, height, layout, landscaping etc for these particular phases, pursuant to the parameters that are set out in the outline planning permission.

3.    Outline planning permission was granted in June 2017 for the redevelopment of the Alma Estate. This outline planning permission included a number of conditions that controlled the quantum of development, the development zones, the heights of buildings across the development, the parking ratio etc. Through this outline permission a total of 993 units are permitted.

4.    This application seeks to amend the scheme consented and in so doing amend some of the conditions attached to the permission.

The main amendments are:

·         Increase in the number of residential units by 93 (from 993 to 1086)

·         Increase in the heights of some of the blocks in Phases 2A and 4 (slides referenced and explained)

·         Amendments to the parking ratio from 0.6 to 0.4

·         Amendment to the footprint an layout of buildings, particularly Phase 4

·         Minor changes to the retail floorspace and development zones.

5.    Affordable housing was secured at 40% within the existing S106 Agreement linked to the outline planning permission. This remains the case, although the second Alma application on the agenda, details how more affordable housing is to be brought forward into these earlier phases.

6.    The GLA have been consulted on the application and although the principle of development is supported, they have advised that the application does not yet fully comply with the London Plan and the Intend to Publish London Plan, in respect of a number of matters of detail. The further information they have requested to cover these matters of detail are set out in the report:

·         Tenant relocation strategy – p.29 para 7.2.5

·         Further detail on the energy strategy – this has been provided to the GLA under the consultation on the reserved matters application. The response to the GLA’s comments on this are set out at P.29, para 7.2.6

·         Further detail on the transport assessment, although this has since been   addressed by TfL in their detailed comments that are set out in the report at       p.30.

Overall, the amendments proposed through this S73 application are supported.

7.    Additional item to report:

·         Cllr Taylor has asked that we ensure fire safety arrangements are fully considered and requests clarity on how any the future of any viability surplus would be determined.

8.    The deputation of John Williams, neighbouring resident, speaking against the application.

9.    The deputation of Greg Blaquiere, Agent, speaking for the application.

10.During discussion, Members raised concerns regarding the quantum of development and the effects arising from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 537

Meeting: 24/03/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 527)

527 20/00112/RE4 - Land Opposite 1A and 1B Towpath Road, London, N18 3QX pdf icon PDF 663 KB

RECOMMENDATION:  In accordance with Regulation 4 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission be deemed to be Granted subject to conditions

WARD:  Upper Edmonton





1.    The introduction by Sharon Davidson, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    There are three applications on the agenda this evening and all are interrelated.

Firstly, by way of context it is important to set out what the development plan says about the role of and expectations for Meridian Water.

3.    Meridian Water lies within the boundary of the Edmonton Leeside Area Action Plan (ELAAP) and is a priority area for regeneration, jobs and housing. It is a long-established opportunity area through Enfield’s Core Strategy, the London Plan and the Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area Framework. The Core Strategy and ELAAP identify the site as being able to accommodate around 5000 homes and 1500 new jobs.  So far, planning permission has been granted for 725 homes on the Phase 1 site. The Phase 2 application before you, proposes up to a further 2300 and therefore well within the capacity identified through the plan process for this site.

4.    It is recognised in the ELAAP that additional growth in housing, jobs and supporting services at Meridian Water will lead to higher densities and building heights. To achieve this change, the transport infrastructure of the area must be transformed with a focus on improved public transport accessibility and connectivity.

The plan identifies the need for:

·         relocation of the station;

·         a more frequent and comprehensive bus service

·         a network of walking and cycling routes that enable better connectivity across       MW;

·         a transformed road network that includes a new route over the River Lee Navigation.

5.    The ELAAP identifies a Central Spine Corridor within which a new east -west spine road will sit.

6.    ELAAP recognises that at MW there are currently very limited areas of open space with poor public access to recreational spaces and waterways. The Plan therefore recognises that development here must deliver a network of open spaces that can provide visual and leisure amenity. Whilst it is clear that a new housing and employment development must be supported by appropriate open space and play space, it is recognised that MW is constrained in terms of accommodating open and green spaces within the development boundary and meeting the housing and job targets, due to the limited availability of land. The development therefore needs to make provision in proportion to the quantum of development proposed and also look to improvements to the accessibility and quality of existing open space. An indicative green network is provided in the ELAAP and this included at p 54 of your report pack.

7.    MW is crossed by two brooks, one canalised river and an overflow channel. Fluvial flood risk is therefore a key consideration to the development of the site – parts of the site are located in Flood Zone 2 and 3. In conjunction with the green infrastructure, waterways must be managed to ensure MW resilience to climate change, bringing benefits to immediate communities and the wider region. The plan requires that all developments must be safe from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 527

Meeting: 25/02/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 510)

510 15/04916/FUL - 20 and Rear of 18 -22 Waggon Road, EN4 0HL pdf icon PDF 2 MB

RECOMMENDATION:  That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions. 


WARD: Cockfosters





1.    The introduction by David Gittens, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    The application site comprises number 20 Waggon Road and parts of the rear gardens of numbers 18 and 22 Waggon Road. Number 20 Waggon Road is a 2 storey detached single family dwelling located on the southern   side of the road. The site has a single point of vehicular access and parking        for a number of 4 cars on the front driveway.

3.    The surrounding area is residential in character, mainly characterised by large detached dwellings. Warner Close is located to the east of the application site and contains 4 dwellings to the rear of numbers 10-16 Waggon Road accessed via Sandridge Close.

4.    The metropolitan Green Belt lies to north of the application site on the opposite side of Waggon Road whilst Monken Mead Brook defines the rear        (southern) site boundary.

5.    This application was originally considered by the Planning Committee on 19th December 2017. The Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions and a S106 agreement to require a contribution towards affordable housing.

6.    Members may recall seeing a similar scheme before them, at Planning Committee a few weeks ago, that sought to construct a similar tandem development on an adjacent site to the west in a further continuation of development from Sandridge Close.

7.    The legislation in place at the time, The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order (DMPO 2015) required an affordable housing contribution for residential schemes of 10 units or more and/or those with a proposed General Internal Area (GIA) in excess of 1000sqm. As the proposed scheme had/has a floor area in excess of 1000sqm, a contribution towards affordable housing was therefore required.

As with many smaller schemes that are required to make a contribution towards affordable housing, there were extensive discussions on the issue of viability and what the development could reasonably sustain in terms of an appropriate financial contribution.  This extended the timescales and resulted in the legal agreement not being completed.

8.    However, in the intervening period, revisions were made to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which confirmed that affordable housing can only be sought in respect of schemes for 10 or more homes or if the site has an area of half a hectare or more, neither of which is applicable in this case.  At the same time the requirement for an affordable housing contribution for residential schemes with a GIA in excess of 1000sqm was removed.

9.    Other revisions to the NPPF resulted in changes that either do not affect this proposal or are covered by the original report.  In the light of these changes, together with the previous resolution of the Planning Committee to grant planning permission for this scheme, the application needs to be reported to the Committee again to seek an amendment to the resolution to remove the reference to a S106 agreement which is no longer applicable.

10.In all  ...  view the full minutes text for item 510

Meeting: 21/01/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 438)

438 Various Locations in N9 and N18 pdf icon PDF 773 KB


WARD:  Edmonton Green





1.    The introduction by Andy Higham, Head of Development Management, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

3.    During the discussion, concern was raised regarding the need to deliver these improvements quickly as possible and as a result, it was agreed that each permission should be limited to 2 years rather than the normal 3.

4.    The unanimous support of the Committee to delegate authority to the Head of Development Management.


AGREED that the Head of Development Management be authorised





Meeting: 17/12/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 397)

397 19/00591/FUL - Chase House, 305 Chase Road, Southgate, N14 6JS pdf icon PDF 11 MB

RECOMMENDATION:  That the Head of Development Management / the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to

Grant planning permission subject to conditions.

WARD:  Southgate





1.    The introduction by Claire Williams, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    Confirmed total of 6 objections and all have been taken into consideration even if they predate revised consultation.

3.    Objection received from Southgate Green Residents Association. The comments in summary relate to the impact on the Conservation Area, housing targets already being met, concerns with the design and quality of the housing to be provided, the scheme not being compliant with standards relating to accessible homes and not being sustainable in relation to waste.

4.    The deputation of Ms Dan Maier, neighbouring resident, speaking against the officer’s recommendation.

5.    The deputation of Mr Max Plotnek, the agent, speaking in support

6.    Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

7.    During the discussion, concern was raised regarding the proposed in particular, around the clarity of the information on the design of the building and the effect of the additional floors on its appearance and setting within the wider area including the effect of the  additional bulk and massing, the daylight / sunlight assessment, the adequacy of proposed bin stores in terms of size and appearance and the effect of the lift overrun on the appearance of the building.

8.    The unanimous support of the Committee to Defer the application.

Deferment proposed by Councillor Rye and seconded by Councillor Yusuf.


AGREED that the application be Deferred (for the above reasons).







Meeting: 26/11/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 365)

365 18/04863/OUT - Capel Manor College, Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, EN1 4RQ pdf icon PDF 7 MB

RECOMMENDATION:  That the Head of Development Management /the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to grant Outline planning permission (outstanding matters reserved) subject planning conditions.

WARD:  Chase





1.    The introduction by Claire Williams, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals and highlighting the key issues.

2.    Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

3.    During the discussion, concern was raised regarding the proposals in particular around the scope of the future strategy, the quantum of development being proposed, the impact on the local environment, the lack of detail for the various components and the lack of justification for development in the Green Belt.

There was also discussion about the need to develop a design code to provide greater certainty.

4.    The unanimous support of the Committee to Defer the application.

Deferment proposed by Councillor Bond and seconded by Councillor Rye.


AGREED that the application be Deferred.





Meeting: 05/11/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 318)

318 19/01285/FUL - TRAVIS PERKINS, 699 GREEN LANES, LONDON, N21 3RS pdf icon PDF 4 MB

RECOMMENDATION:  That subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement to secure the obligations as set out in the report, the Head of Development Management / the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to grantplanning permission subject to conditions.

WARD:  Winchmore Hill





1.    The introduction by Kevin Tohill, Strategic Development Manager, clarifying the proposals.

2.    Receipt of two further objections from local residents, circulated to members.

3.    Layouts for all four residential floors circulated to members.

4.    Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

5.    On behalf of CAG, the main concern had been the shop front façade.

6.    The support of the majority of the committee for the officers’ recommendation and additional conditions requested: 5 votes for and 3 votes against.


AGREED that subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement to secure the obligations as set out in the report, the Head of Development Management / the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report and additional conditions below:




Prior to the completion of the external building works of the development, details of landscape screening to the rear of the building together with details of trees, shrubs, grass and all other soft landscaped areas of internal and external amenity spaces to be planted on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The planting scheme shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details in the first planting season after completion or occupation of the development whichever is the sooner. Any planting which dies, becomes severely damaged or diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced with new planting in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To provide a satisfactory appearance and ensure that the development does not prejudice highway safety.


Crime Prevention Strategy


Notwithstanding the details of the development, hereby approved, a detailed crime prevention management and maintenance strategy detailing how the development will minimise opportunities for crime including details of a controlled access system, CCTV and external lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of each phase of the development.


Reason: To ensure that the development protects community safety.


Detailed Drawings


Prior to the commencement of building works above ground, detailed drawings to a scale of 1:20 to confirm the detailed design and materials of



a.         Schedule and sample of materials used in all elevations;

b.         Details of all windows and doors at scale 1:10, windows shall be set at least 115mm within window reveal scale 1:10;

c.         Construction details of all external elements at 1:20 scale (including sections).  This should include: entrances and exits, glazing, masonry, weathering and flashings, balustrades and parapets, roof, plant and plant screening, health and safety systems;

d.         Full drawn details (1:20 scale elevations, 1:20 scale detailing) of all railings and gates (including hinges, fixings, locks, finials); and

e.         Full details of the shop front (ground floor commercial unit) design, including schedule and sample of materials scale 1:20.


Shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development above ground herby permitted. The development shall thereafter be carried  ...  view the full minutes text for item 318