Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions
Contact: Penelope Williams Email:
No. | Item |
Election if Required of the Chair/Deputy Chair of the Meeting Minutes: Not required. |
The Mayor's Chaplain to give a Blessing Minutes: The Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Martin Legg gave the blessing. |
Mayor's Announcements in Connection with the Ordinary Business of the Council Minutes: The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting, her last as Mayor of Enfield. She reminded members that her role was apolitical, the ceremonial figurehead for the Council and the first citizen of the borough. During her term of office she had promoted the borough locally, nationally and internationally and this year, she together with the Deputy Mayor, had attended more than 500 engagements.
1. Engagements
· Meeting with the Mayor of Wigan, in her home town, (attending a football game where Wigan beat Manchester City). She wished Tottenham Hotspur Football Club good luck in the next FA cup semi-final. · Visiting the impressive Tottenham Hotspur Training Ground in Enfield twice, meeting two of their lead board members Donna and Rebecca to talk about the community work that they were planning in partnership with the Council. The Mayor said that this had been extremely helpful to her in her new role as a board member of the Enfield Town Football Club – her number one home team. She was very proud of being part of this football club, a club owned and run by its fans - the first club in the country to do so. She encouraged members to go along and support this fantastic home team. · Library Openings including at Edmonton Green Library, and on 22 February 2018 opening the new library at Enfield Highway. · International Women’s Day Celebrations on the 8 March 2018, to which she had been honoured to be part, laying the plaque at Palmers Green Triangle on the very spot where, in June 1914, a group of suffragettes had attempted to hold a meeting. At the time a crowd of hostile men had attempted to break up the meeting and mounted police were called to restore order. She repeated a quote from Councillor Brett: “We are incredibly proud of Enfield’s role in the suffragette movement which had been a strong centre for activity”. It was one hundred years ago, that women got the vote - at the age of 30 and a further 10 years later before it was 21, the same as men. The Mayor had been moved when members of the Enfield Youth Parliament had given speeches on the importance of voting from a young persons’ perspective. She thanked Councillors Brett and Lappage for organising and running the event.
2. Mayoral Charities
The Mayor said a quick word about the Enfield charities that would benefit from the funds that her charity were raising this Mayoral year - ten charities which fall under the banner of Enfield Cares, Care in the Community.
· All People All Places, a local homeless charity. Seven nights a week - from the beginning of January to the end of March - a different church in Enfield was providing 12 beds for homeless people. This had recently been extended due to the severe weather conditions. · MIND in Enfield - a local registered charity for over 40 years, promoting and improving psychological and social wellbeing of local people with mental health problems. · Tender ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2018 PDF 257 KB To receive and agree the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 21 February 2018. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2018 were agreed as a correct record. |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bakir, Bond, Jukes, Kepez, Lemonides, Maguire, Neville, Daniel Pearce, Stafford and Ulus, and for lateness from Councillors Bambos Charalambous, David-Sanders and Keazor. |
Declaration of Interests Members of the Council are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor Joanne Laban declared a non-pecuniary interest in Motion 9.5 in the name of Councillor Orhan as her mother worked in a school which had been run by Carillion.
Councillor Alessandro Georgiou declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 9.3 in the name of Councillor Laban on the extension of the Mayor of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone as he worked for a company which had a client who was involved in the industry. |
Opposition Priority Business - "Labour Council failings since 2010" PDF 152 KB An issues paper prepared by the Opposition Group is attached for the consideration of the Council.
The Council rules relating to Opposition Business are attached for information. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Laban introduced the issues paper, prepared by the Opposition Group.
1. Issues highlighted by Councillor Laban were as follows:
· She highlighted three key areas of concern, housing, customer services and scrutiny.
· Housing was one of the biggest issues in London and this administration’s record in this area was, in her opinion, less than impressive. Meridian Water was in limbo after 18 months of failed negotiations. She felt that if they had used the GLA framework, houses would have been built by now. She also had concerns about the impact on the proposed development of the Labour Mayor of London’s industrial strategy.
· After eight years the small housing site developments were still not complete. It had been a scandal that the nearly completed buildings at Jasper Close had had to be knocked down because they had not been protected against bad weather. There were also significant delays in other housing schemes.
· Concern that customer service standards had dropped significantly and this was not in her opinion due to cuts. Management of the transformation to new ways of working had been poor. The website was not fit for purpose: it could not cope with the large number of users pushed on to it. Members Enquiries and Freedom of Information requests were taking far longer than they should. Good customer service was important to residents, particularly the vulnerable.
· Cuts to scrutiny reduced accountability.
· Many people had yet to see the reality of the Council’s vision.
2. Councillor Achilleas Georgiou, Deputy Leader, responded on behalf of the Majority Group highlighting:
· That he could rebut every point made by the Opposition.
· That the Conservative Opposition lacked belief in themselves, shown in the wording of the recommendations, and in that several members were defecting to safer seats.
· Acknowledgement that the Labour Administration aimed high but could not always achieve what they hoped to due to shortage of money from Government. That the Conservative Government had attacked local government: Enfield’s funding had been reduced by £161m since 2010 with a further £35m proposed for 2019-20.
· Recognition, that despite the cuts, the administration had been able to, among other things, find a further £4.2m for education, fund 16 new police officers, install more CCTV cameras, 93% of schools had been judged good or outstanding, create two new parks including an artificial grass pitch on Enfield playing fields, plant 623 new trees, reducing the carbon footprint, build new homes and attract new businesses including the Camden Brewery.
· He looked forward to welcoming many more hard working Labour councillors on 3 May 2018.
3. Other issues highlighted during the debate were as follows:
a. The need highlighted by the members of the Opposition Group:
· To acknowledge concern about the huge reductions in spending areas including in the capital programme, including for Meridian Water, in social care, children’s services and in environment. Most of the capital expenditure being for Cycle Enfield. More money should be being allocated to repairing the infrastructure, repairing schools, and maintaining council properties.
· Also concern about ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Statutory Pay Policy Statement PDF 232 KB To receive the report of the Assistant Director Human Resources presenting the Council’s Statutory Pay Policy Statement for consideration and approval. (Report No: 178)
Members are asked to note that the Pay Policy Statement was considered and approved for recommendation onto Council, subject to the amendments identified, by the Remuneration Committee on 20 February 2018. Minutes: Councillor Simon moved and Councillor Doyle seconded the report of the Assistant Director Human Resources, on the review and adoption of a statutory pay policy. (Report No: 178)
1. That the policy had been approved and recommended onto the Council by the Remuneration Committee on 20 February 2018.
2. Statutorily, the policy had to be reviewed and updated every year. The most significant change this year was the proposal to remove performance related pay from senior officers. This had been found to be divisive and it was felt that it would be more effective and encourage people not to work in silos, to go back to a more straightforward incremental system. Details were being worked up for consideration at the next Remuneration Committee meeting.
3. The changes had bipartisan support.
4. Councillor Rye’s view that the performance related pay system had been very effective and was helpful when senior officers were not meeting their targets. Without it there was a danger of incremental drift.
5. In future it was intended that increments would not be linked to the appraisal system. In the existing system high performance was expected of all staff and nearly all staff did meet their targets. The existing system had been externally validated and been found to have limited effectiveness. De-linking would help improve the Council’s achievements.
AGREED the amendments to the statutory pay policy statement attached as appendix 1 to the report. |
Change in the Order of Business Minutes: Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor Taylor seconded a proposal under paragraph 2.2(B) of the Council procedure rules to change the order of items on the agenda to take the following motions in the following order:
9.13 Motion in the name of Councillor Taylor 9.7 Motion in the name of Councillor Barry 9.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Orhan 9.6 Motion in the name of Councillor Sitkin
The change in the order was agreed following a vote with the following result:
For: 29 Against: 14 Abstentions: 0
Councillor Vince then moved and Councillor Rye seconded a proposal under paragraph 2.2(B) of the Council procedure rules to change the order of items on the agenda to take motion 9.1 in the name of Councillor Rye, as the next item of business.
This change in the order was not agreed following a vote with the following result:
For: 16 Against: 29 Abstentions: 0
The minutes reflect the order of the meeting. |
Motions 9.1 Motion in the name of Councillor Mike Rye
“Enfield Council needs to take urgent action to support Enfield Town as a major shopping centre in the borough and will: undertake enforcement action on vacant shops with untidy frontages; seek funding to provide hanging baskets and Christmas lights; review the lengthy timelines for action set out in the Enfield Town Centre Draft Framework Master Plan to deliver positive outcomes sooner rather than later.”
9.2 Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban
“The draft London Plan has major implications for Enfield, its policy that requires Enfield to provide more Strategic Industrial Land capacity seriously impacts the Meridian Water Project. This policy restricts the area that homes can be built on at the Meridian Water site. Enfield Council agrees to write a letter to both the Mayor of London and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government setting out the adverse effects the draft London Plan has on the delivery of desperately needed homes at Meridian Water.”
9.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Joanne Laban
“The Mayor of London is proposing to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the North and South Circulars. These proposals whilst well intentioned are not the solution that Enfield requires to improve air quality. Enfield Council agrees to seek alternative measures to improve air quality and that the leaders of both political groups write jointly to the Mayor to express our concerns regarding what is proposed for our borough.”
9.4 Motion in the name of Councillor Nick Dines “Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed every year. After bowel and lung cancer it is the third most common cause of cancer death, with one man dying in the UK every 45 minutes. As recent publicity has shown, men are remarkably unaware of this and unwilling to talk about the issue. The Council therefore commits as one its health awareness campaigns in 2018-19 to raise the awareness amongst men of prostate cancer, the symptoms to look out for and how and where to go for screening.”
9.5 Motion in the name of Councillor Ayfer Orhan
“Enfield Council notes the collapse of Carillion and the limited actions taken to date by the Government. This Council is concerned about the impact on schools as Enfield has some schools with Carillion as a provider.
Enfield is concerned of the Governments lack of any real dialogue with local authorities and feels that it would have thought it prudent in the current climate for the Council to be advised on how the Government intends to deal with the collapse of Carillion and the solution it has to honour the public sector contracts.
Further, Enfield will be seeking immediate and urgent clarification from Government and the appointed receiver (PWC) on how it has acted to date; the interim arrangement they have in place; assurance that they will do all they can to ensure a timely transition from the existing ... view the full agenda text for item 10. Minutes: Motion 9.13
Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Lappage seconded the following motion.
“The Council notes that no progress has been made with regard to the Government making fair transitional state pension arrangements for all women born on or after 6 April 1951.
The Council will consider the best approach to assist Enfield residents affected by this issue.”
Councillor Lappage in seconding Councillor Taylor’s motion, moved the procedural motion under 14.11 (a) iii of the Council procedure rules that the debate on the motion be adjourned to the first meeting following Annual Council on 23 May 2018.
The adjournment motion was seconded by Councillor Stewart and then put to the vote and agreed with the following result:
For: 29 Against: 0 Abstentions: 16
Motion 9.7
Councillor Barry proposed and Councillor Abdullahi seconded the following motion:
“The way that Universal Credit is being implemented is causing unnecessary suffering to women in Enfield.
We ask that the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions as a matter of urgency, urging her to take all necessary steps to change the method of payment so that women are treated fairly.”
Following the debate the motion was agreed unanimously.
Motion 9.5
Councillor Orhan moved and Councillor Stewart seconded the following motion:
“Enfield Council notes the collapse of Carillion and the limited actions taken to date by the Government. This Council is concerned about the impact on schools as Enfield has some schools with Carillion as a provider.
Enfield is concerned of the Governments lack of any real dialogue with local authorities and feels that it would have thought it prudent in the current climate for the Council to be advised on how the Government intends to deal with the collapse of Carillion and the solution it has to honour the public sector contracts.
Further, Enfield will be seeking immediate and urgent clarification from Government and the appointed receiver (PWC) on how it has acted to date; the interim arrangement they have in place; assurance that they will do all they can to ensure a timely transition from the existing providers to new ones; and for a continuation and smooth delivery of all operational services, with a guaranteed assurance that PWC will work collaboratively to ensure no disruption of service to staff and services to Enfield Schools.”
Following the debate the motion was agreed unanimously.
During the debate Councillor Bambos Charalambous took his seat in the chamber for his last Council meeting. He made a short speech saying that it had been an honour and a privilege to service the people of Enfield for the last 24 years as councillor and now as an MP for Southgate. He wished everyone the best of luck for the future and hoped for a Labour victory in the upcoming local elections.
Motion 9.6
Councillor Sitkin moved and Councillor Brett seconded the following motion:
"Enfield Council is grateful to its thousands of resident EU nationals for the tremendous ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Duration of Time allowed for the Council Meeting Minutes: The Mayor advised, at this stage of the meeting, that the time available to complete the agenda had now elapsed so Council Procedure Rule 9 would apply. No further contribution or replies were permitted.
NOTED that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9 (page 4-8 – Part 4), the remaining items of business on the Council agenda were considered without debate. |
Councillor Question Time PDF 485 KB 11.1 Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)
With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.
Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.
The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”
Submission of urgent questions to Council requires the Member when submitting the question to specify why the issue could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the deadline and why it has to be considered before the next meeting.
11.2 Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)
Please note that the list of questions and their written responses will be published on Tuesday 20 March 2018. Minutes: 1. Urgent Questions
There were no urgent questions.
2. Questions by Councillors
NOTED the forty questions on the Council agenda and the written responses provided by the relevant Cabinet Members and Associate Cabinet Members. |
Committee Membership To confirm any changes to Committee memberships:
No changes have been received to date. Please note that any changes received once the agenda has been published will be tabled on the Council update sheet at the meeting. Minutes: There were no changes to committee memberships. |
Nominations to Outside Bodies To confirm any changes to the nominations to outside bodies.
No changes have been identified to date. Please note that any changes notified after the agenda has been published will be reported to Council on the update sheet tabled at the meeting. Minutes: There were no changes to the nominations on outside bodies. |
Called in Decisions None received. Minutes: None received. |
Date of Next Meeting To note the date agreed for the next Council meeting would be for Annual Council on:
· Wednesday 23 May 2018 at 7pm at Enfield Civic Centre. Minutes: NOTED that the next meeting of the Council would be the Annual Council Meeting and would take place on Wednesday 23 May 2018 at 7pm. |