Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 2nd March, 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Penelope Williams  Email:

No. Item


The Mayor's Chaplain to give a Blessing


The Mayor’s Chaplain was unable to attend the meeting. 


Mayor's Announcements in Connection with the Ordinary Business of the Council


The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.  


1.            The Mayor’s Announcements


The Mayor began by reading out a prepared announcement in relation to his recent cycle ride.  This event had taken place as part of his mayoral duties, with the permission of the Mayoral Office and accompanied by a member of staff. It had not been a social event. 


2.            Tributes to former Mayor and Councillor Jayne Buckland


Councillors Caliskan, Taylor and Orhan paid tribute to former councillor Jayne Buckland who passed away recently.  They praised her commitment to the arts and her many years of service to the London Borough of Enfield, sending their condolences to her daughter. 


Councillor Rye had paid tribute on behalf of the Conservative Group at the last meeting of the Council.


A minute’s silence was held in Jayne Buckland’s memory. 


3.            Resignation of Councillor Lappage


The Mayor read out a message from Councillor Lappage who had expressed her intention of resigning from the Council from the 19 March 2021. 




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lappage and Vince and for lateness from Councillor Eren. 


Minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To receive and agree the minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2021. 


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2021 were confirmed as a correct record. 


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Council are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda. 




1.            The following interests were declared:


·           Councillor Taylor declared disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to items 9 and 10 on the agenda as a director of a Council company. 

·           Councillor Leaver declared disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to items 8 and 9 on the agenda as a director of a Council company.

·           Councillor Laban declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to item 14 on the agenda as she served on some of the panels mentioned in the report.

·           Councillor Oykener declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 14 as a family-member worked for the Council. 


2.            The Mayor asked Jeremy Chambers (Director Law and Governance) to make a short statement on the declaration of interests’ requirements, in relation to agenda item 6 (Budget Report 2021/22) and Medium-Term Financial Plan) as follows: “in accordance with guidance from the Department for Communities and Local Government, there is no requirement for members to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to item 6.  The exception to this being any councillor who is two or more months in arrears on their Council Tax, in which case they will need to declare this and not take part in the vote.”  


3.            Jeremy Chambers confirmed that there were no councillors who were two or more months in arrears.  


2021/22 Budget and 2021/22 to 2025/26 Medium Term Financial Plan pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To receive the report of the Executive Director of Resources, presenting for approval the Budget for 2021/22 and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2025/26.       


Members are asked to note that Cabinet considered the report at their meeting on 3 February 2021 and recommended it to Council.

Additional documents:


Councillor Maguire moved and Councillor Caliskan seconded the report of the Executive Director Resources presenting the 2021/22 Budget and 2021/22 to 2025/26 Medium Term Financial Plan for Council approval. 




1.            The report and recommendations had been considered at Cabinet on 3 February 2021and recommended on for Council.


2.            The following key points highlighted by Councillor Maguire, Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement, when moving the report. 


a.    In setting the budget the following principles had been followed:  balancing the books; protecting the most vulnerable; making achievable savings; and setting realistic income targets.

b.    Thanks to the Executive Director Resources and all the officers who had worked so hard to put the budget reports together. 

c.    This was a time of great uncertainty following on from over ten years of austerity and the last year of the pandemic.  The pandemic had had a huge financial and personal impact on so many people.  Unemployment in Enfield had increased by 163% and 21,000 people were furloughed.  Many furloughed workers and local businesses faced great uncertainty.  

d.    The Government had failed to provide long promised fairer funding, the review of adult social care, the business rate reset or to give Council’s financial certainty over 3 years. This year’s budget would still only cover one year.

e.    There were so many areas were figures were uncertain including in adult social care, children’s services, temporary accommodation and the council tax collection rates

f.     The Council was looking to the Government to see if any extra help would be provided in the budget on the following day. 

g.    Table 2 in the report set out a summary of the current financial position.  Without the £29m budget gap which had arisen as a result of Covid, the Council’s finances would have been in surplus.  Tough decisions had had to be taken, despite the ability to roll forward this year’s deficit over 3 years.

h.    Enfield residents were having to make up the deficit through a higher council tax.  Government measures had made it necessary for the Council to increase the tax by 4.99% (1.99% general increase and 3% for adult social care) plus the GLA precept. 

i.      The increase worked out at £1.91 a week, a total of £1,795 for a Band D council tax-payer.  This was set out in table 4 together with information on the medium term financial plan, the schools budget, fees and charges and risks and reserves. 

j.      This had been a painful year for everyone, but the Council had managed to set a balanced budget and was able to allocate funding for its priorities including £83m for adult social care, £44m for children’s services, £40m to protect the poorest and most vulnerable, £11.6m on freedom passes, £5.6m on keeping the streets clean, £16.9m on rubbish collection, £3.5m on the environment, £3.9m on the borough’s 130 parks and open spaces, £2.9m on libraries, museums and web services. 

k.    The Council was presenting a balanced budget, which would have been in surplus, without  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Housing Revenue Account (HRA), Business Plan Budget 2021, Rent Setting and Service Charges pdf icon PDF 521 KB

To receive the joint report of the Executive Director of Place and Executive Director of Resources presenting for approval the revenue estimates of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2021/22, Business Plan Budget 2021/22 and rent setting and service charges.                                 


Members are asked to note that this report was considered by Cabinet on 3 February 2021 and recommended to Council. 


Councillor Needs moved and Councillor Caliskan seconded the report of the Executive Director Place and Executive Director Finance, on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan Budget 2021/22, Rent Setting and Service Charges.




1.            That the recommendations in the report had been endorsed and approved for recommendation onto Council by Cabinet on 3 February 2021.


2.            Councillor Needs in proposing the report highlighted the following: 

·         The report should be read in conjunction with the report at item 11, Better Council Homes.

·         The report set out the work being done on existing and new council homes and the income, rents fees and service charges in line with policies, for the next year. 

·         This was a five year settlement.  There would be a 1.5% rent increase in line with Government guidelines.

·         Officers were working with residents to help them sustain their tenancies.

·         To urge the Government to keep in place a universal uplift of £20 in the level of universal credit. 


3.            Councillor Smith responded on behalf of the majority opposition highlighting the following:

·         Agreement with some of the provisions in the report but disagreement with most. 

·         Agreement that there should be investment in Council housing but a view that tenures should be mixed and new properties should be built privately.

·         Support for minimising rent increases and service charges but regret for the failure to listen to a recent court of appeal judgement.

·         Welcome for the achievement of 5% efficiency savings.

·         Disagreement with the move to bring housing development back in house, because of the Council’s perceived poor track record in this area. 

·         Preference for partnership working with other organisations who had greater access to grant funding and because it took too long for council housing departments to build up the skills and experience necessary.

·         Concern about the increase in charges for garages and community halls as it was a time, once restrictions were lifted to encourage community use of the halls. 


4.            Comments of the majority group: 

·         The need to acknowledge the achievement in keeping the Housing Revenue Account in balance and in keeping rises to 1.5%, which meant that the rents were still affordable.  Rents were set in consultation with residents through Customer Voice.

·         There was a need to generate income and to create new housing units: 3,500 extra units were planned as part of the 10 year capital programme. 

·         The overall housing plans were ambitious, but achievable.

·         Congratulations to everyone involved in putting together the plans. 

·         The report should be considered alongside other reports on the agenda and members should be reassured that borrowing was on a risk-based approach, and the plans spread over ten years.

·         Estate renewal and redevelopment were essential to create more much needed affordable homes and transform existing homes.  This is what Enfield residents deserved. 

·         Homes in the first phase of the Meridian Water project were under construction.  The Government had praised the Council for the work done so far and awarded funds for infrastructure works. 

·         Housing Associations were obvious partners.

·         The report contained  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 291 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Director - Resources seeking approval of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy 2021/22.


Council is asked to approve the strategy and to note that this was recommended to Council for approval by Cabinet at their meeting on 3 February 2021. 

Additional documents:


Councillor Maguire moved and Councillor Caliskan seconded the report of the Executive Director Resources on the Treasury Management Statement 2021/22.




1.            That this report had been recommended to Council by Cabinet at the meeting held on 3 February 2021.


2.            Councillor Maguire in proposing the report highlighted the following: 


·         The report sets out the treasury management strategy for the next ten years as well as the annual investment strategy for the year ending 31 March 2022.

·         It also included prudential indicators and minimum revenue provision statements.

·         It ensured that the capital investment plans were prudent affordable and sustainable, that the financing of the capital programme and cash flow were properly planned and that the cash balances were appropriately invested to generate optimum returns.

·         External auditors met officers regularly with to ensure that the financial indicators show that funds are being managed appropriately, and that the council was receiving good value for its investments 


3.            The comments of Councillor Hockney speaking on behalf of the majority opposition group in response: 


·         Concern about policies which implied a maximising of the Council’s cash which he felt were reminiscent of the problems experienced by Croydon.

·         Concern about the amount of money cut from front line services such as bin collection. 

·         Concern that the money spent on interest payments would increase year on year because of the amount that the Council was borrowing and that this would result in cuts to future front line services. 

·         Concern that it would take 77 years to pay off the debts and that residents would suffer. 


4.            Comments of the majority opposition group: 


·         The view that Council borrowing was spinning out of control and that interest rates were likely to rise in the future which would cost the Council more and mean that there was less to spend on front line services. 

·         Concern that it was predicted that interest charges would rise to £63million.


5.            Comments of the majority group members: 


·         That the strategy was accurate and reflected the Council’s commitment to transparency. 

·         Concern at the inconsistency of the opposition comments and their willingness to vote against every opportunity to invest in the future of the borough.

·         The failure of the opposition to mention the £600million which the Government had taken away from the Council over the last ten years, decimating the budget of the local authority.

·         The Labour administration was delivering for local residents.

·         The Council was legally obliged to set affordable budgets which it had done.  The budget plans were sound and had been judged to be so.


After the debate the report was put to the vote and agreed with the following result:


For:  38

Against:  19

Abstentions:  1




1.            To approve the attached Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2021/22 and to note the ten year treasury management forecast;

2.            To note the economic context and interest rate forecast (Appendices A and B);

3.            To approve the prudential indicators set out in AppendixD;

4.            To approve the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement (Appendix  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Duration of Time allowed for the Council Meeting


The Mayor advised, at this stage of the meeting, that Council Procedure Rule 9 would apply.


NOTED that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9 (page 4-8 – Part 4), the remaining items of business on the Council agenda were considered without debate.


Period 8 Capital Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 408 KB

To receive the Capital 8 Monitoring report from the Executive Director Resources asking Council to approve the addition of £1.5m to the Council’s approved ten-year Capital programme.


This report was considered by Cabinet on 3 February 2021 and recommended to Council for approval. 


RECEIVED the report of the Executive Director Resources asking Council to approve the addition of £1.5m to the Council’s approved ten year capital programme.


NOTED this report was considered by Cabinet on 3 February 2021 and recommended to Council for approval.




1.            To note the additions to the Capital Programme as set out in Table 3 of the report including the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (£3.8m) granted by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

2.            To approve the addition of £1.5m to the Council’s approved ten-year Capital programme, subject to a forthcoming portfolio decision. 


Councillor Laban indicated that if there had been a vote on this report the Conservative Group would have voted against.


Councillor Barry indicated that if there had been a vote on this report four of her members would have voted against and one would have abstained. 


Capital Strategy and Ten Year Capital Programme 202/22 to 2030/31 pdf icon PDF 932 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Director Resources setting out the Council’s Capital Strategy and Ten-Year Capital Programme. 


Council is asked to approve the capital strategy and ten year programme and to note that Cabinet considered this report on 3 February 2021 and recommended it for Council approval.

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of the Executive Director Resources on the Capital Strategy and Ten-Year Capital Programme. 

NOTED that this report was recommended to Council by Cabinet at their meeting on 3 February 2021. 


1.        To approve the 2021/22 Capital Strategy (Appendix 7)

2.        To approve 2021/22 Capital Programme and to note the 2021/22 to 2030/31Ten Year Capital Programme as set out in Appendix 3 –

3.         To note the projects in the pipeline (Appendix 6).


Councillor Laban, Leader of the Opposition, indicated that, if there had been a vote, the Conservative Opposition Group would have voted against this report. 


Councillor Barry, Leader of Community First, indicated that, if there had been a vote, four members of her group would have voted against and one member would have abstained. 


Better Council Homes - Progress, Plans and Review of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan for 2021 pdf icon PDF 777 KB

To receive a report of the Executive Director Place and Executive Director Resources on Better Council Homes.


To note that the report was considered at Cabinet on 3 February 2021 and that it was agreed that the recommendations in the report be forwarded on to Council for approval. 


Council is asked to approve the revised 13 year housing development programme and the revised Housing Revenue Account Business Plan.


To note the restricted appendices 1,2 and 3 which contain exempt information.   


(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of the Executive Director Place and Executive Director Resources on Better Council Homes – progress, plans and review of the HRA business plan for 2021. 




1.            That this report had been considered at Cabinet on 3 February 2021 and recommended onto Council for approval. 


2.            That the report contained three restricted appendices: 1,2 and 3. 




1.        To note the progress made to date on the Councils Housing Development Programme and in the light of this agree the updated Development Strategy proposed in this report.  

2.        To approve the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme, noting the reduction in homes from 3,804 to 3,500.

3.        To approve a bid to the GLA for its Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 and for additional schemes through the Building Council Homes for Londoners programme as appropriate and based on capacity that been established with the HRA Business Plan and as outlined in this report, and to note the risks and impact to the Housing Development Programme.

4.        To authorise the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with Executive Director of Resources, to enter into development partnerships, award contracts for works and professional services and enter into or agreements for the acquisition or disposal of property for development schemes.

5.        To approve the revised budget of £21,303,999 for Bury Street West in the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme per paragraph 78, subject to a forthcoming portfolio decision.

6.        To delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration after consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Executive Director of Resources, to initiate and agree changes to housing development and estate renewal schemes, including submission of planning applications, provided they do not impact on the revised HRA Business Plan.

7.         To note the progress made to date on the Councils Housing Development Programme and in the light of this agree the updated Development Strategy proposed in this report.  

8.         To approve the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme, noting the reduction in homes from 3,804 to 3,500.

9.         To approve a bid to the GLA for its Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 and for additional schemes through the Building Council Homes for Londoners programme as appropriate and based on capacity that been established with the HRA Business Plan and as outlined in this report, and to note the risks and impact to the Housing Development Programme.

10.      To authorise the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with Executive Director of Resources, to enter into development partnerships, award contracts for works and professional services and enter into or agreements for the acquisition or disposal of property for development schemes.

11.         To approve the revised budget of £21,303,999 for Bury Street West in the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme per paragraph 78, subject to a forthcoming portfolio decision.

12.         To delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration after consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Executive Director of Resources, to initiate and agree changes to housing development and estate renewal schemes, including submission of planning applications,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Fairer Enfield Policy 2021-25 pdf icon PDF 162 KB

To receive a report from the Chief Executive recommending that Council approve and adopt the Fairer Enfield Policy. 

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of the Chief Executive recommending that Council approve the Fairer Enfield Policy 2021-25.


AGREED to approve and adopt the new Equality and Diversity Policy: Fairer Enfield 2021-25.

Councillor Barry, Leader of the Community First Opposition Group indicated that if there had been a vote on this report one of her members would have abstained. 


Early Help for All pdf icon PDF 181 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Director People recommending the Early Help for All Strategy for Council approval. 

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of the Executive Director People recommending the Early Help for All Strategy for Council approval.


AGREED:  to approve and adopt the Early Help for All Strategy. 


Councillor Barry Leader of the Community First Opposition Group indicated that if there had been a vote on this issue one of her members would have abstained. 


Review and Adoption of the Statutory Pay Policy Statement - 2021 pdf icon PDF 251 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development presenting the Council’s Statutory Pay Policy Statement for consideration and approval.


Members are asked to note that the Pay Policy Statement was considered and approved for recommendation onto Council by the Staff Appeals, Appointments and Remuneration Committee on 11 January 2021.

Additional documents:


RECIEVED the report of the Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development on the review and adoption of the Council’s statutory pay policy statement. 


NOTED  that the report was considered and approved for recommendation onto Council by the Staff Appeals, Appointments and Renumeration Committee on 11 January 2021. 


AGREED the amendments to the statutory pay policy statement as included in appendix 1 to the report. 


Councillor Barry, Leader of the Community First Opposition Group, indicated that if there had been a vote on this item four of her members would have voted against and one would have abstained. 


Members Allowances 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Law and Governance on the Member’s Allowances Scheme for 2021/2.


Council is asked to re-approve the current Members Allowances Scheme. 


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Law and Governance




1.            That the current Members Allowances Scheme is re-approved as set out in Part 6 of the Constitution.

2.            That the automatic increase in allowances by the average earnings as at March 2020 not be implemented for the 2021/22 financial year. 


Councillor Question Time pdf icon PDF 424 KB

16.1    Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)


With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.


Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.


The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”


Submission of urgent questions to Council requires the Member when submitting the question to specify why the issue could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the deadline and why it has to be considered before the next meeting. 


16.2    Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)


Please note that the list of questions and their written responses have now been published. 

Additional documents:


1.            Urgent Questions


NOTED the following urgent question and response with reasons for urgency which the Monitoring Officer agreed to accept before the meeting.  


Urgent Question 1 to Councillor Ian Barnes, Deputy Leader of the Council


Now that the Rt Hon Boris Johnson, Prime Minister has set out the government`s road map to end lock down restrictions, could the Deputy Leader of the Council confirm that all the Borough`s Libraries will be open in the week beginning 12th April especially to support catch up learning by young people in Enfield?


Reply from Councillor Barnes


“The four flagship libraries have remained open during this last lockdown, operating 6 days a week. We have not received guidance from DCMS around the 12th April legislation. We will respond with a phased reopening plan for our libraries once we have this legislation, the DCMS guidance and advice from the professional body for libraries. The opening of libraries will be done in a way that is safe to do so for the staff and the public.”


Reason for Urgency: The Prime Minister announced his road map out of restrictions after the submission deadline for questions.


2.            Questions by Councillors


NOTED the forty four questions on the Council agenda and the written responses provided by the relevant Cabinet Members.


Committee Membership pdf icon PDF 4 KB

To confirm any changes to Committee memberships:


No changes have been received to date.  Please note that any changes received once the agenda has been published will be tabled on the Council update sheet at the meeting. 


Regeneration and Economic Development Scrutiny Panel - Councillor Andy Milne to replace Councillor Maria Alexandrou. 


Nominations to Outside Bodies

To confirm any changes to the nominations to outside bodies:


No changes have been identified to date.  Please note that any changes notified after the agenda has been published will be reported to Council on the update sheet tabled at the meeting. 


There were no nominations for outside bodies.   


Date of Next Meeting

To note the date agreed for the next Council meeting, Annual Council:


·         Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 7pm


NOTED that the next meeting of the Council would be Annual Council on Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 7pm.