Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 19th September, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: James Kinsella  Email:

No. Item




The election of a Chair/Deputy Chair of the meeting was not required. 



The Mayor’s Chaplain to give a blessing.


Father Emmanuel – Parish Priest of St Edmonds Church, Edmonton, gave the blessing. 


Mayor's Announcements (if any) in connection with the ordinary Council Business


The Mayor made the following announcements:


·              She thanked Father Emmanuel for offering the blessing.


The Mayor informed Members that since the last Council she had attended various community events in the borough. These events were an opportunity to celebrate achievements and to provide support for the groups and individuals concerned.  She was particularly pleased to have enjoyed such great weather at both the Edmonton and Enfield Carnivals and thanked everyone involved in organising these events for the community.


Following on from a fantastic summer of sport, the Mayor reported that she was proud to be hosting a celebration of sport in Enfield at Forty Hall on 20 September 2012.  She thanked everyone who had taken part in the London Youth Games event, the Mayors Charity Fun Run and the Enfield Night Hike.  Special thanks were given to Jan Hickman, Simon Gardner and their teams who had organised many of the activities in the run up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.  In addition she thanked Kelly Jones for her enthusiasm and organisation of the Fun Run and for attracting sponsors.


Special congratulations were also offered to the Borough’s Olympic gold medallists - Charlotte Desjardin and Ben Maher both members of the equestrian team. The Mayor felt it was wonderful to have a post box painted gold to reflect their achievements and as a reminder to Enfield of how proud the Borough should be of them.


The Mayor highlighted the following achievement:


1.      Association of Public Service Excellence Award – Corporate Scrutiny & Outreach Team


The Mayor was proud and delighted to announce that the Council’s Scrutiny & Outreach Team had won a second National award this year.


The award, from the Association for Public Service Excellence, had once again shown the way in which the team, working with councillors from all wards, had been able to reach out and take community engagement into the council’s democratic core, linked to scrutiny and the decision making process.


The award showed the team had worked:

·              with hard to reach communities including young men and women, those with disabilities and those from the large variety of cultural and ethnic communities in the borough; and

·              alongside members during the day, evening and weekends to ensure that they were able to engage communities at time and place that best suited them.


The Mayor formally presented the award to Mike Ahuja and members of the Corporate Scrutiny & Outreach Team.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 321 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 4 July 2012.


AGREED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 10 July 2012 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.




Apologies for absence were received Councillors Andreas Constantinides, Christiana During, Del Goddard, Jonas Hall, Eric Jukes, Paul McCannah, Don, McGowan, Ayfer Orhan and Rohini Simbodyal.


Apologies for lateness were received from Councillors Simon Maynard, Martin Prescott and Ann Zinkin.



Members of the Council are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relevant to items on the agenda.


In response to a request for advice, John Austin (Assistant Director Corporate Governance) advised members who were currently serving as Council appointed representatives on the Enfield Homes Board that they would need to consider declaring a non pecuniary interest in agenda item 8 (Housing Management Review), under paragraph 28 of the Council’s new code of conduct.  This was on the basis that they were in a position of general control or management on that body but had been appointed by the Council.  Any members who declared such an interest would, however, be permitted to, remain in the chamber and vote on the matter.


As a result, non pecuniary interests were declared by the following members on agenda item 8 – Housing Management Review as they were all Council appointed representatives on the Enfield Homes Board:

·              Councillor Chaudhury Anwar

·              Councillor Lee Chamberlain

·              Councillor Marcus East

·              Councillor Denise Headley

·              Councillor Tashin Ibrahim

All of the above members remained in the meeting during the consideration of this item and voted.


No other declaration of interests were made by members at the meeting.


Change in order of Business


Councillor Brett moved and Councillor Taylor seconded a proposal to change the order of business on the agenda under paragraph 2.2 (page 4-5) of the Council’s procedure rules to enable the meeting to take the following as the next items of business:


·              Item 19.5: Motion – in the name of Councillor Hamilton on Primary Health Care Provision & the NHS


This was agreed by the Council, without a vote.  Please note the minutes reflect the order in which the items were dealt with at the meeting.




Councillor Hamilton moved and Councillor Cazimoglu seconded the following motion:


“This Council condemns the financial and re-organisational pressures being imposed upon the NHS by this Tory led government which, in Enfield, has resulted in the announcement that the Evergreen Walk-In Centre will reduce opening hours.


Now that Andrew Lansley has been spectacularly sacked by David Cameron, we call upon the new Secretary of State for Health to properly fund Primary Health Care in Enfield and address the £70million shortfall needed for the development of Primary Health Care provision.”


Following a lengthy debate, the motion was put to the vote and agreed with the following result:


For: 28

Against: 23

Abstention: 0


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 Year Business Plan pdf icon PDF 187 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services setting out the Council’s proposed HRA 30 year Business Plan.            (Report No.41A)


Members are asked to note that the recommendations in the report were approved by Cabinet on 18 July 2012 for recommendation onto Council. (Key decision – reference number 3483)


Councillor Oykener moved and Stafford seconded the report from the Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care and Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services (No.41A) setting out the Council’s proposed Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 Year Business & Treasury Management Plan .



1.      The recommendations in the report had been approved for recommendation onto Council by Cabinet on 18 July 2012.

2.      The Business Plan was the first prepared by the Council within the context of the new system of HRA self-financing, which came into effect on 1 April 2012.

3.      The Plan was supported by:

a.      a fully costed financial model, which had been based on a number of assumptions, detailed within section 4.3 of the report; and

b.      an HRA Asset Management Strategy, which had been approved by Council on 4 July 2012;

These had all been prepared in consultation with key stakeholders, including tenants, leaseholders & Enfield Homes.

4.            The Plan and supporting financial model had been subject to internal audit and external validation by independent consultants both of which had resulted in a positive outcome.

5.      In addition, Council was advised that confirmation had now been received from the Greater London Assembly regarding the award of the remaining Decent Homes grant funding totalling £26m.

6.      Whilst supportive of the Business Plan, concerns were raised by the Opposition Group in relation to the ambitious size of the Plan, the assessment of risk and need for a robust annual monitoring and review process.

7.      In response to the concerns highlighted under 6 above, members were advised that:

a.      the risks associated with setting a 30 Year Business Plan had been recognised and were detailed within a separate section of the Plan.  These were also supported by a full risks, issues and opportunities register;

b.      the Plan and its supporting model would be subject to ongoing and regular review throughout its duration.

8.      The thanks to all officers and key stakeholders for their work in producing the Plan.


Following a debate the recommendations in the report were agreed unanimously without a vote.




(1)    To approve the 30-Year HRA Business Plan document.


(2)    To adopt the base business plan financial model as the starting point to move into self-financing.


(3)    To note that, as options relating to the business plan are further developed, these will be reported to Cabinet for decision at the relevant time.


(4)    To note that the HRA Treasury Management Plan included in the document had been prepared in accordance with the Corporate Treasury Management Policy and Strategy.


Housing Management Review pdf icon PDF 292 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care, which sets out the results of the test of opinion survey undertaken in June 2012.         (Report No.42A)


Members are asked to note that the recommendations set out in the report were approved by Cabinet on 18 July 2012, with Council being asked to approve the revision and extension of the Management Agreement with Enfield Homes. (Key decision – reference number 3531)

Additional documents:


Councillor Oykener moved and Councillor Georgiou seconded the report from the Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care (No.42A) setting out the results of the test of opinion survey undertaken in June 2012 and outcome of the review of housing management arrangements for Council housing stock from April 2013.



1.      Cabinet (20 June 2012) had considered the outcome of an independent housing consultant review into the efficiency and effectiveness of Enfield Homes and options for management arrangements, once the current Management Agreement with Enfield Homes expired in March 2013.

2.      As part of the review process the Council had been required to undertake a comprehensive Test of Opinion consultation exercise with Council tenants, leaseholders and other key stakeholders.

3.      The consultation process undertaken, as detailed in section 3.10 of the report, which had generated over 6000 responses.  This represented a response rate of 38.47% (41.8% tenants and 30.3% leaseholders).  The results from the Test of Opinion survey had been detailed in section 3.11 of the report.

4.      Cabinet (18 July 2012) had considered the results of the survey and as a result had:

a.      recommended a 2 year time limited extension to the Management Agreement with Enfield Homes, which had been designed to:

·              reflect the findings within the survey and achievements as well as weaknesses identified as part of the relationship with Enfield Homes; and

·              co-ordinate the use of Enfield Homes for delivery of housing management functions pending completion of the externally funded decent homes programme in March 2015;

b.      agreed, subject to a. above and as detailed in section 3.12 of the report, a range of other changes to leadership and governance arrangements to provide closer partnership and joint working between Enfield Homes and the Council whilst also generating increased efficiencies and reduced costs.  In addition the need for further work had been identified to address the reasons for the difference between the levels of tenant and leaseholder satisfaction highlighted within the survey;

5.      whilst recognising the success of the consultation process, in terms of responses generated, concerns were highlighted by the Opposition Group in relation to:

a.      the 2 year time limit on the extension of the Management Agreement, given the high percentage of tenants in favour of Enfield Homes continuing to provide their housing service;

b.      the uncertainty it was felt this would cause, in advance of a further review and given the aim, as set out in section 3.12.6 of the report, for the Council to agree a smooth transition to a successful Council led Housing Service following expiry of the extended Management Agreement in 2015;

6.      The Council would continue to work with key stakeholders and Enfield Homes to agree the shape and transition arrangements of any future led Council led service, which would be subject to a further review in 2014.  In the meantime members thanked all those involved in developing, promoting and responding to they survey.


Following a lengthy debate the recommendations were then put to the vote, with the following result:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69.


The Drive Towards Prosperity: Enfield's Child & Family Poverty Strategy pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture seeking approval of the development of the Child and Family Poverty Strategy and the strategic action plan.            (Report No.43)


Members are asked to note that the recommendations set out in the report were approved by Cabinet on 18 July 2012 for recommendation onto Council.  (Key decision – reference number 3381)


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Charalambous seconded the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and Director of Regeneration, Leisure & Culture (No.43) seeking approval of the Child and Family Poverty Strategy and strategic action plan.



1.      The recommendations set out in the report had been approved by Cabinet on 18 July 2012 for referral on to Council.

2.      The Strategy had been designed as a major cross Council and Partnership activity and had been designed to address a significant area of social concern as well as meet the Council’s statutory duty under the Child Poverty Act 2010.

3.      Whilst recognising the Council’s limited capacity to address, as a single organisation, the issue of children and family poverty the strategy had been developed to identify, coordinate and build on the extensive range of partnership activity already focussed on this issue across the Borough.

4.      The Strategy was accompanied by an Action Plan which had identified two challenging ambitions and seven aims, each with a key priority, as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report.  These aims had been drawn from a range of council and partnership plans and where possible would be delivered by extending and adapting existing services and from within existing resource provision.  They would also act as Enfield’s Life Chance Indicators and included performance management measures.

5.      The concerns highlighted in relation to:

a.      The potential impact of the Government’s Universal Benefit & Welfare Reform programme;

b.      The lack of new proposals and focus of the strategy and action plan around existing plans and strategies.

6.      The Enfield Strategic Partnership (ESP) had endorsed the strategy and adopted combating child and family poverty as one of its “cross cutting” issues.  The work of partners across the ESP had been mapped as part of the development of the strategy with the aim of identifying any gaps and coordinating activities to deliver multiple benefits (including neighbourhood and economic regeneration, education & training, healthier lifestyles and wellbeing) as well as enabling smarter working between service providers and more efficient use of resources.

7.      The consultation process undertaken as part of the development of the strategy, as detailed in section 3 of the report.


After a debate the recommendations were put to the vote, with the following results:


For: 28

Against: 0

Abstention: 22




(1)    To approve the Child and Family Poverty Strategy and the Strategic Action Plan, incorporating consultation feedback.


(2)    To note that the individual Thematic Action Groups of the ESP will drive forward, co-ordinate and monitor progress towards achieving the aims, priorities and ambitions of the Strategy.


(3)    To approve the seven Key Aims and Priorities identified within the Strategic Action Plan (Appendix 1).


(4)    To approve the two challenging ambitions to:


(a)    reduce the percentage of children living in poverty, by 2020, to 25% (compared to 36% in 2008); and


(b)    narrow the gap between the most and least deprived wards, in child poverty terms, from the current gap of 42% to 30% also by 2020.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70.


Council Procedure Rule 8 - Duration of Council Meeting


NOTED that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8 (page 4-8 – Part 4), the remaining items of business on the Council agenda were considered without debate, as the time available for the meeting had elapsed.


Scrutiny Annual Work Programme 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 454 KB

To receive a report from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee setting out the annual programme for the Council’s Scrutiny Panels and Overview and Scrutiny Committee.        (Report No.65)


Members are asked to note that the report is due to be considered by Cabinet on 12 September 2012 and that details of the decision made will be circulated in advance of the Council meeting.


RECEIVED the report of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (No.65) setting out the 2012/13 annual programme of work for the Council’s Scrutiny function.


NOTED that Cabinet (12 September 2012) had approved the 2012/13 annual scrutiny work programme for recommendation on to Council, subject to the following comment:

·              The need to ensure that Panels, wherever possible, adhered to the timescales set out in their work programme as this would assist in the effective and planned use of required resources.


AGREED having noted the comment referred on by Cabinet, to formally adopt the annual scrutiny work programme 2012/12 9as detailed in the Appendix 1 of the report.


Audit Committee Annual Report 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To receive the annual report of the London Borough of Enfield’s Audit Committee for 2011/12.  The report sets out the key issues dealt with by the committee during the past year.


Members are asked to note that the report was agreed at the Audit Committee meeting held on 10 July 2012.


RECEIVED for consideration and approval the 2011/12 annual report from the Council’s Audit Committee, which set out the key issues dealt with over the previous year.


NOTED that the annual report had been agreed and recommended on to Council for consideration by the Audit Committee on 10 July 2012.


AGREED to note and approve the 2011/12 Annual Report from the London Borough of Enfield’s Audit Committee.


Withdrawal of Permitted Development Rights for Houses in Multiple Occupation via a proposed borough wide Article 4 Directive. pdf icon PDF 189 KB

To receive a report from the Director – Environment seeking approval to the introduction of a “non-immediate” Article 4 Direction to withdraw permitted development rights for small HMOs across the borough.            (Report No.79)


RECEIVED the report of the Director – Environment seeking approval to the introduction of a “non immediate” Article 4 Direction to withdraw permitted development rights for small HMOs across the borough.




(1)    The Director - Environment undertakes the necessary steps to give 12 months notice on the proposal to make a “non-immediate” Article 4 Direction, covering the whole borough, withdrawing permitted development rights for changes of use from use class C3 (dwelling house) to use class C4 (house in multiple occupation).


(2)    Any representations arising from the process of making the “non-immediate” Article 4 Directions be reported to Planning Committee for consideration.


(3)    To delegate authority to the Planning Committee to confirm the proposed Article 4 Direction and authorise the notification to the Secretary of State.


Annual Treasury Management Outturn Report 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 406 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services presenting the Council’s Treasury Management Outturn statement for 2011/12.    (Report No.80)


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.80) presenting the Council’s Treasury Management Outturn statement for 2011/12.


AGREED to approve the 2011/12 Treasury Outturn report.


Petition Scheme Review pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services reviewing the Council’s current petition scheme.       (Report No.75)


Members are asked to note that the review was considered by the Members & Democratic Services Group on 4 September 2012 who, as a result, approved Option 1 (to continue with the scheme in its current format) for recommendation onto Council, subject to an update of the trigger referral amounts to take into account the current population figures for Enfield.


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.75A) presenting the outcome of a review of the Council’s petition scheme.


NOTED that the review had been considered at the Members & Democratic Services Group on 4 September 2012 who had approved and recommended Option 1 (to continue with the scheme in its current format) on to Council.  This had been subject to an update of the trigger referral levels to take account of the current population census figures for Enfield.




(1)    To approve Option 1 (continue with petition scheme in current format) as detailed in section 4 of the report, including the update of the referral trigger levels to take account of the current population figures in Enfield.


(2)    To note that a privacy statement is to be added to the scheme (as detailed in section 5 of the report).


Member Governor Forum: Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Schools & Children’s Services seeking approval to the revised Terms of Reference for the Member Governor Forum.

(Report No.76A)


Members are asked to note that the report was considered by the Members & Democratic Services Group on 4 September 2012, who approved the amended Terms of Reference for recommendation onto Council.


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services (No.76A) seeking approval to a number of revisions to the Terms of Reference for the Member Governor Forum.


NOTED that the report had been considered by the Members & Democratic Services Group on 4 September 2012 who had approved the amended Terms of Reference for recommendation on to Council.


AGREED the amended Terms of Reference for the Member Governor Forum, as set out in the report.


Schools Forum: Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 248 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Schools & Children’s Services seeking approval to the revised Terms of Reference for the Schools Forum.

(Report No.77)


Members are asked to note that the report was considered by the Members & Democratic Services Group on 4 September 2012, who approved, subject to a further minor change, the amended Terms of Reference for recommendation onto Council.


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services (No.77A) seeking approval to a number of amendments to the Schools Forum Terms of Reference.


NOTED that the report had been considered by the Members & Democratic Services Group on 4 September 2012 who had approved, subject to a further minor change, the amended Terms of Reference for recommendation on to Council.




(1)    To approve the enactment of the Schools Forum (England) Regulations 2012 and amended Terms of Reference for the Schools Forum, as set out in the report.


(2)    In view of comments raised by the Opposition Group and Chair of the Members & Democratic Services Group, the amended Terms of Reference (as approved under (1) above) be referred back to the Schools Forum for further review, with a report to be provided for the Members & Democratic Services Group.


New Standards Regime: Appointment of Independent Person(s)

At the Council meeting (4 July 12) approval was given for the Councillor Conduct Committee to commence the recruitment process for the appointment of 2 Independent Persons, required as part of the new standards framework introduced by the Localism Act 2011.


The Councillor Conduct Committee is in the process of undertaking the recruitment process, with the first of the interviews due to take place on Monday 17 September 2012.  Council will be asked to consider and approve any appointment recommended by the Councillor Conduct Committee, as a result of this process.


Given the timescales involved it has not been possible to interview all of the shortlisted candidates in advance of this Council meeting. A further interview will therefore need to be arranged, with the outcome being reported to Council on 7 November 2012.



1.      Council (4 July 2012) had authorised the Councillor Conduct Committee to commence the recruitment process for the appointment of two Independent Persons, required as part of the new standards framework introduced under the Localism Act 2011.

2.      The Councillor Conduct Committee had conducted its first interview on Monday 17 September 2012 but had not recommended any appointment as a result.

3.      A further interview was due to be undertaken, with the outcome of that process to be reported back to the next Council meeting on 7 November 2012.


COUNCILLORS’ QUESTION TIME (Time Allowed - 30 minutes) pdf icon PDF 315 KB

18.1    Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)


With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.


Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.


The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”


Submission of urgent questions to Council requires the Member when submitting the question to specify why the issue could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the deadline and why it has to be considered before the next meeting.  A supplementary question is not permitted.


18.2    Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)


The list of thirty eight questions and their written responses are attached to the agenda.


1.1    Urgent Questions


The Mayor advised that she had received three requests for issues to be considered as urgent questions.  All three questions had been rejected as they were not felt to have met the urgency criteria.


1.2    Questions by Councillors


NOTED the thirty eight questions on the Council’s agenda which had received a written reply from the relevant Cabinet Member.



19.1         In the name of Councillor Lavender


In order to maintain probity and transparency this Council resolves:


(i)         to insert in future Conditions of Grant Funding of the Enfield Residents Priority Fund Grant Agreements as a condition of the award of any element of the Grant that the Grant Applicant discloses to the Council in the related Grant Funding Application Form any membership, or other financial or property interest or obligation (each an 'Interest') that any councillor, close relative or dependant of any councillor, or any political party any councillor represents has in relation to:


(a)       any such Grant Applicant; or

(b)       any property occupied by such Grant Applicant; or 

(c)        in the Project


immediately upon the Grant Applicant becoming aware of such Interest arising; and


(ii)        that any councillor who either himself or herself has an Interest in, or becomes aware of any of their close relatives or dependants having any Interest in, or whose party they politically represent has any Interest in:


(a)       any existing or proposed Grant Applicant which has entered into a Grant Agreement; or

(b)       any property occupied by such Grant Applicant; or

(c)        in any related Project


shall have a duty to disclose full particulars of such Interest in the register of members' interests.


19.2    In the name of Councillor Lavender:


This Council:


(a)       notes the proximity of Barnet and Enfield Town Centres;

(b)       notes the existence of empty car parking spaces in both town centres;

(c)        notes the announcement on Tuesday 4th September of the reduction of car parking charges in Town Centres by Barnet Council; and

(d)       resolves to similarly reduce car parking charges in its Town Centres, particularly on a Sunday.


19.3In the name of Councillor Lavender


This Council welcomes the Coalition Government’s Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Bill, which intends to give statutory backing to the UK Guarantees programme announced in July and the housing guarantee schemes to dramatically accelerate major infrastructure investment and provide major support to UK exporters.


The Council notes that the UK Guarantees scheme has been established to ensure that where major infrastructure projects may struggle to access private finance because of adverse credit conditions they can proceed as planned.


The Council also notes the Government’s support for the long-term delivery of new rental homes and that the Government intends to issue debt guarantees to support the building of new private rented sector and affordable homes.


The Council notes that the Government is expediting the legislation in order to ensure that it can take forward detailed discussions with eligible commercial parties as soon as possible and subsequently provide suitable forms of guarantee.


The Council notes the scope of the Bill covers the transport, energy, communications and environmental sectors set out in the National Infrastructure Plan as well as the wider housing sector.


The Council resolves to monitor these developments to explore whether any of the many regeneration projects in Enfield, which were first formulated under the previous administration, but  ...  view the full agenda text for item 81.


The remaining motions listed on the agenda, as set out below, lapsed due to lack of time:


1.1       In the name of Councillor Lavender


In order to maintain probity and transparency this Council resolves:


(i)         to insert in future Conditions of Grant Funding of the Enfield Residents Priority Fund Grant Agreements as a condition of the award of any element of the Grant that the Grant Applicant discloses to the Council in the related Grant Funding Application Form any membership, or other financial or property interest or obligation (each an 'Interest') that any councillor, close relative or dependant of any councillor, or any political party any councillor represents has in relation to:


(a)       any such Grant Applicant; or

(b)       any property occupied by such Grant Applicant; or 

(c)        in the Project


immediately upon the Grant Applicant becoming aware of such Interest arising; and


(ii)        that any councillor who either himself or herself has an Interest in, or becomes aware of any of their close relatives or dependants having any Interest in, or whose party they politically represent has any Interest in:


(a)       any existing or proposed Grant Applicant which has entered into a Grant Agreement; or

(b)       any property occupied by such Grant Applicant; or

(c)        in any related Project


shall have a duty to disclose full particulars of such Interest in the register of members' interests.


1.2       In the name of Councillor Lavender:


This Council:


(a)       notes the proximity of Barnet and Enfield Town Centres;

(b)       notes the existence of empty car parking spaces in both town centres;

(c)        notes the announcement on Tuesday 4th September of the reduction of car parking charges in Town Centres by Barnet Council; and

(d)       resolves to similarly reduce car parking charges in its Town Centres, particularly on a Sunday.


1.3       In the name of Councillor Lavender


This Council welcomes the Coalition Government’s Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Bill, which intends to give statutory backing to the UK Guarantees programme announced in July and the housing guarantee schemes to dramatically accelerate major infrastructure investment and provide major support to UK exporters.


The Council notes that the UK Guarantees scheme has been established to ensure that where major infrastructure projects may struggle to access private finance because of adverse credit conditions they can proceed as planned.


The Council also notes the Government’s support for the long-term delivery of new rental homes and that the Government intends to issue debt guarantees to support the building of new private rented sector and affordable homes.


The Council notes that the Government is expediting the legislation in order to ensure that it can take forward detailed discussions with eligible commercial parties as soon as possible and subsequently provide suitable forms of guarantee.


The Council notes the scope of the Bill covers the transport, energy, communications and environmental sectors set out in the National Infrastructure Plan as well as the wider housing sector.


The Council resolves to monitor these developments to explore whether any of the many regeneration  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81.



To confirm any changes to committee memberships.


AGREED the following changes to committee memberships


1.      Conservation Advisory Group – Vacancy (name to be notified) to replace Councillor Buckland


2.      Public Transport Consultative Group – Councillor Lamprecht to replace Councillor Chamberlain.



To confirm the following changes to nominations to outside bodies:


(a)    Enfield Strategic Partnership


Councillor Prescott to replace Councillor Zinkin.


AGREED the following change to the Council’s nominations on outside bodies:


1.      Enfield Strategic Partnership – Councillor Prescott to replace Councillor Zinkin


2.      Enfield Church Trust for Girls – Councillor Buckland to replace Graham Eustace for term of office expiring 19.09.16


Called in decisions

None received.


None received.  



To note that the next meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday 7 November 2012 at 7.00 p.m. at the Civic Centre.


NOTED that the next meeting of the Council would be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 7 November 2012 at the Civic Centre.