Agenda and draft minutes

Call-In Meeting, Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 15th April, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions

Contact: Governance, 020 8132 1558 Email: 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.


The Chair detailed the procedure of the meeting and outlined how the Overview & Scrutiny Committee would consider the reasons for call in.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Rick Jewell, Cabinet Member for Environment, and it was noted that Cllr Nesil Caliskan, Leader of the Council, would be answering any questions on his behalf.


The Committee noted that Councillor Alessandro Georgiou would present the reasons for the call-in as the Lead Call-in Member.



Members of the Council are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relevant to the items on the agenda.



There were no declarations of interest received regarding any item on the agenda.


Decision Called-in - KD5694 - Approval of council capital and the progression of Bowes East and Edmonton Green Quieter Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To consider a call-in received on the decision taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment on Approval of Council Capital and the progression of Bowes East and Edmonton Green Quieter Neighbourhoods (KD5694).


The decision that has been called in was taken on 13 March 2024 and included on the Publication of Decision List No: 56/23-24 issued on 15 March 2024.


It is proposed that consideration of the call-in be structured as follows:


·         Brief outline of reasons for the call-in by representative (s) of the

members who have called in the decision.

·         The Cabinet Member/decision maker and officers respond to the

reasons provided for the Call-In.

·         Debate by Overview & Scrutiny Committee and agreement on action

to be taken.

Additional documents:


The Overview & Scrutiny Committee were to consider and review KD5694 – Approval of Council Capital and the progression of Bowes East and Edmonton Green Quieter Neighbourhoods - taken on 13 March 2024 and included on the Publication of Decision List No. 56/23-24.


The decision had been called in for review by 7 members of the Council, namely Councillors: Alessandro Georgiou (Lead), Emma Supple, Reece Fox, Paul Pratt, Elisa Morreale, Stephanos Ioannou and Hannah Dyson.


The report sets out the officer response to the reasons for call-in.


Reasons for the call-in were presented by Councillor Alessandro Georgiou, Lead Call-in Member for the decision.


Cllr Georgiou summarised the reasons for the call-in of the decision.


Cllr Georgiou asked that Members refer the decision back to the decision taker for reconsideration.


Cllr Caliskan and Officers spoke in response to the reasons for call-in, and questions posed by Members of the committee stating that; there will be three phases with consultation periods and a subsequent report for this scheme before it will be implemented which will capture any concerns/feedback around disabled people being exempt, the EQIA (disabled, BAME and Gypsy Roma people) and road safety. Should there be any objection from the blue lights services, this would have to be considered as not to do so would be unlawful. Officers have engaged with over 33,000 people including business, residents and places of worship but are looking into ways to encourage a higher response from those who have been consulted.


Original decision of call-in - KD5694 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

The original decision documents.

Additional documents:


Cllr Georgiou summarised the points made during the discussion and reiterated his view that Members should refer the decision back to the decision taker.


The Chair summarised the key points made throughout the discussion and took Members of the committee through the options available to them, namely: refer the decision back to the decision-making person/body for reconsideration; refer the matter to full Council; or confirm the original decision.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the reasons provided for the Call-In and responses set out in the Officer’s report. Having considered the verbal responses and the information presented by the Cllr Caliskan and relevant Officers; the Committee AGREED to confirm the original decision made by the Cabinet.



To note the dates of the future meetings will be confirmed following Annual Council on Wednesday 15 May 2024.


Members NOTED the date of the next meeting of the call in as Tuesday 30 April 2024.


The Chair thanked everyone for their time and contributions, and the meeting ended at 20:45pm.